Best Peopleamazeme Quotes This Week

Today was a big day,
Me and Lyn walked into our church, and Lyn's pregnant belly (which has poped up basically over night) was in full swing and this woman walked up too us and said "I'm sorry for your tragity," The first thing I thought of was my brother, he died a few years ago and its getting close too the anniversary of his death, then I came to realize she wasn't talking about my brother or any loss of any kind. She was talking about the baby, she was talking about my baby. I went into shock for a few seconds, she really thought this baby, my and Lyns baby was a horrific mistake.
I know that we are REALLY too young to have a baby, but yet it happened. Today in church as always I was sitting aside Lyn and the preacher was talking about all of Gods miracles and all he does for us. Well it got me thinking, if God didn't want us too have this baby, would he have given her too us? But really? How on this planet could this baby or ANY baby be a mistake? They are blessings that we take for granted. We don't have children just too repopulate the world but too teach us love. But today it made me realize that people thought going through with bringing this baby into the world wad a mistake, I bet they thought the same thing when I asked Lyn too marry me, but I knew when I asked her I didn't and still don't want too ever be with someone besides her and I also know this baby isn't and will NEVER BE A

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