Best Poemsporn Quotes This Week

"...And I used to think I could only miss you when I was alone, but that's not true.
I miss you when I'm around everyone else, too. Because they are not you.
But you're always there...somewhere. I can't not think about you.
It's only when I'm asleep that I get a break from it. 
From wanting and missing. But, then I wake up the following day, roll over,
check my phone, see that you didn't call and I just know I'm going to 
feel it all over again."

"Someone will tell you that she's seeing someone
someday and that she's happy and your hands 
will stop working. You'll have to work hard to hold
on to whatever you're holding. I hope it's not glass,
I hope it's not breakable. Suddenly you'll remember
everything that you ever loved about her. Everything
that ever moved you to tears, made your insides feel
like they were tying themselves into knots. That she
was loyal, that she was open for you, that she smiled
against your mouth when you kissed. That it felt easy,
like God had put the two of you together deliberately,
like it had been the plan all along. But for whatever
reason, you let her go and you thought that it was the
right thing and for a little while, it felt like you knew
exactly what you were doing. Except now all the parts
of you that touched her knows that you're never going
to be able to touch her again and that hurts. Even 
your fingers are sad, even your stomach is aching from
the loss of it all. You're never going to get that again 
and thats why your regret looks like artwork that would
have been a masterpiece if you'd finish it. Your regret
looks like plucking a flower before it's bloomed. So 
maybe you'll call her and you'll tell her that you miss her
and she'll sound gentle on the phone but not in love with
you anymore. She'll say 'we happened and we were
important bt you let me go, I'm sorry, but you let me go'
and that's how you'll know."

-Azra.T (via 5000letters)

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