Best Qanda Quotes Ever

would you rather work for.....




1. Last Cigarette? Never
2. Last Beverage: Arizona Iced Tea half & half ♥
3. BIGGEST secret: If I had one I still wouldn't tell you
4. Last Phone Call? Robyn
5. Last Text Message: uh
6. Last CD Played: From Under the Cork Tree- Fall Out Boy (Again)
7. Last BUBBLE Bath: Couple years ago
8. Last Time You Cried : Last night/ whatever time I was reading Looking for Alaska
9. Last Meal: Oreo long john Donut w/ Arizona Tea

SEVEN Have You’s???
1. Have you ever dated someone twice?: haven't dated anyone ONCE
3. Have you ever kissed someone & regreted it?: ^
4. Have you ever fallen in love? "I'm married to the music for better or worse"
5. Have you ever lost someone?: Yeah...
6. Have you ever slept until 2pm?: Yup
7. Have you ever been drunk and thrown up?  15

SIX Things You Did in the Past Three Days:
1. Went to a picnic
2. Watched some movies
3. Listened to music
4. Tried to fix my motem
5. read books
6. stayed up all night on the coumputer

List FIVE People You Can Tell Pretty Much Anything to.
1: Robyn 
2: Cassidy
3: mom
4: dad
5: Grammy

List THREE Favorite Colours.
1: Black
2: Hot Pink
3: Sky Blue

List FOUR Things You Want to Do Before You Die.
1: See and Meet All Time Low in person/ concert 
2: Be on Full Frontal
3: Go to Canada
4: Make my parents proud

This month have you…
Laughed until you cried: Yup
Went behind your parents back? Everyday muhahaha 

1. Your last kiss?  was probably from my mom so....
2. Gay Marriage? Fully support it. Love whoever you want to love!- Alex G.
3. Lowering the drinking age? no we have enough Turnt up kids as it is
4. Straight, Gay, or Bi? I'm bandsexual
5. Who are the best huggers that you know? Cassidy  and Robyn^_^
6. Do you believe in love at first sight? Kinda
7. Is there something you want to tell someone? Why don't you like me? :/
8. What brand of shirt are you wearing? Forever 21
9. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends? Nah
10. What is your current annoyance? my head kinda hurts and idk why
11. How many kids do you want to have? 2
12. Do you want to change your name? Kinda
13. Last time you saw your father? Few mins ago
14. What did you do for your last birthday? Went to the mall and had a sleepover.
15. What time did you wake up today? 11 ish A.M.
16. What were you doing at midnight last night? Looking for Alaska (John Green)
17. Name something you CANNOT wait to do: eat
18. What is your favorite thing in your room? My signed Marianas Trench poster
20. Where is your best friend right now? at home maybe?

If you answered honestly to all these, repost as: No Lying Quiz
are you smarter than a 5th grader?

Q. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have to go until you would find the letter "A"? 

would you rather ......

a hot bf/gf that doesnt love you


a ugly bf/gf that loves you with all his/her heart?
change your name


change your looks
rather be dumped....,

by text or infront of your friends?
01:A song you like with a color in the title: White Teeth Teens- Lorde or The Gold (Shipped) Standard- Fall Out Boy  02:A song you like with a number in the title:1985- Bowling For Soup or Pop 101- Marianas Trench  03:A song that reminds you of summertime:Party Rock Anthem- LMFAO 04:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about: N/A 05:A song that needs to be played LOUD:Caraphernelia- Pierce the Veil ft. Jeremy McKinnon, All Signs Point to Lauderdale- A Day to Remember, The Best Thing (That Never Happened)-We are the In Crowd, Heroes- All Time Low 06:A song that makes you want to dance: I Feel like Dancin'-ATL/Dance,Dance- FOB 07:A song to drive to: Fast in my Car- Paramore 08:A song about drugs or alcohol: Lover Dearest- MT/Nine in the Afternoon- Panic! at the Disco 09:A song that makes you happy:Weightless-ATL/Sugar,We're Going Down-FOB 10:A song that makes you sad: Terrible Things- Mayday Parade, Lullabies- ATL,What a Catch,Donnie-FOB,Alibis-MT 11:A song that you never get tired of: Therapy-ATL♥ 12:A song from your preteen years:Love Story-Taylor Swift 13:One of your favorite 80’s songs:Don't You Forget about Me- Simple Minds 14:A song that you would love played at your wedding:Still into You- Paramore♥ 15:A song that is a cover by another artist: When I Grow Up- MP(Pussycat Dolls cover) Cable Car- ADtR(the Fray), Umberella- ATL(Rihanna)  16:One of your favorite classical songs:The Nutcracker- Tchaikovsky 17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke: Anything from High School Musical 18:A song from the year that you were born(1998): Backstreet's Back alright!, Tubthumping- Chumbawamba, Semi- Charmed Life- Third Eye Blind 19:A song that makes you think about life: Therapy-ATL 20:A song that has many meanings to you:Iris-Goo Goo Dolls 21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title: Dear Maria, Count Me In-ATL,Amelia-Tonight Alive,Jamie All Over-MP 22:A song that moves you forward:The Reckless and the Brave- ATL/Long Live the Kids-WatIC 23:A song that you think everybody should listen to:Therapy-ATL 24:A song by a band you wish were still together: I'm Not Okay- My Chemcial Romance  25:A song by an artist no longer living: Billie Jean- Micheal Jackson, Imagine- John Lennon 26:A song that makes you want to fall in love:If these Sheets were the States-ATL,Red-TS 27:A song that breaks your heart:Skin & Bones-MT,Windows in Heaven-WatIC,Nobody's Home-Avril Lavigne,Bulls in the Bronx-PtV,Perfect-Simple Plan 28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love: Josh Ramsay,Alex Gaskarth, Patrick Stump, Brendon Urie, Hayley Williams, Vic Fuentes, etc.  29:A song that you remember from your childhood: Complicated- AL 30:A song that reminds you of yourself: For a Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic- Paramore

1. What color is your toothbrush? Hello Kitty
2. Name some people who made you smile today: Kayla, Jeremy McKinnon
3. What were you doing at 8 AM this morning? Sleeping.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? What I've been doing all day
5. What is your favorite chocolate bar? Cookies&Cream Hersey
6. Have you ever been to a strip club? Nope
7. What is the last thing you said aloud? Singing You Had Me @ Hello- ADTR
8. What is your favorite ice cream? Caramel Sundaeeee
9. What was the last thing you drank? Chocolate milk
10. Do you like your wallet? mhmm
1. What was the last thing you ate? pasta & meatballs
12. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? surprisingly no
13. The last sporting event you watched? Football
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Butter/ caramel
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to: my mom
16. Ever go camping? ehh
17. Do you take vitamins daily? uhh...
18. Do you go to church every week? No...
19. Do you have a tan? White trash
20. Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza? that wouldnt be very pop punk of me
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? Sometimes
22. What did your last text message say? : "Hey. I need u"
25. Look to your left, what do you see? Rian Dawson w/ spray paint
26. What color is your watch? Time to get a watch ;D
27. What do you think of when you hear Australia? Tonight Alive and Crocodile Dundee
29. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? bothh
30. What is your favorite number? 5 &182 
31. Who's the last person you talked to on the phone? Robyn
32. Any plans today? Not anymore :'(
33. How many states have you lived in? One.
34. Biggest annoyance right now? How difficult it is to eat spaghetti in bed
35. Last song listened to? If it Means Alot to You(Acoustic)- ADTR
36.Can you say the alphabet backwards? Slowly but surely
37. Do you have a maid service clean your house? Donna!
38. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? Black combat boots
39. Are you jealous of anyone? Nah
40. Is anyone jealous of you? I mean
41. Do you love anyone? Band members
42. Do any of your friends have children? No.
43. What do you usually do during the day? School
44. Do you hate anyone that you know right now? Nah
45. Do you use the word 'hello' daily? Yeah
46. What color is your car? Invisible
47. Do you like cats? they ok
48. Are you thinking about someone right now? bands
49. Have you ever been to Six Flags? Batman > Superman
50. How did you get your worst scar? Car accident

Who is Norma Jean Baker more usually known as?
would you rather........

Know everything there is to know (Infinite Knowledge)


Rule everything there is to rule (Infinite Power)
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