Best Sorelatable Quotes This Month

When a book does not
adequately describe a character, so you just fill in the blanks but later you actually get a description so you just want to shout, "WRONG! YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE AND NOW YOU ARE WRONG!"


Okay, so last week after
volleyball practice, I walked back into the school building to find maple syrup splattered across all of the lockers. A mysterious pair of snowshoes were leaning against the wall. My friend walked in behind me, took one look around and said, "The Canadians were here."


Dear Mom,
I'm wearing skinny jeans. If I can't get them off, neither can a boy.

help me, I'm stuck.


Person: You look pretty today!
Me: Was I ugly yesterday?

Whoever said money doesn't
buy happiness didn't know where to shop


When people say 'pls' just
because it's shorter than 'please', I feel perfectly justified to answer 'no' because it's shorter than 'yes'


Dear Boiling Water,
Sorry, I can't get hard today, I just got laid last night.



What does the fox say?!
Nothing, after all, the fox is an animal and incapable of human speech

I hear you like bad girls...

...well, I hate to brag, but I'm bad at everything.

I secretly like getting assigned
partners in school because it takes away that awkward 'I have no friends so I'm going to be alone' factor.

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