Thehalfback Quotes

In the words of HalaaChick, "my biggest fear is one day, you'll see me the way I see myself," to put it simply
Okay, so Bishop Grimes Semi Formal is next week. My boyfriend goes to Bishop Grimes. And now I'm going to semi. ♥
I know I'm hard to love. I make it difficult to be proud to call me your girl. He//, I make it hard to say "She's mine,"  without being embarrassed. I know I'm childish, with all my juice boxes, disney movies, and stuffed animals. I know I'm dramatic, making everything into a big ordeal. I know I'm obnoxious, and I know I can be annoying. I know I'm paranoid about everyone leaving me in the end, and I know that I'm insecure about all the wrong things. I know I yell about everything and I'm quick to anger. I know I'm over-emotional and cry everytime we fight. I know I'm a pain in the a//s. I know I'm hard to love, but thank you for doing it anyway.
I just want someone to tell me why. Why do you like me? Why me? Of all people, me? Not "you're different" or anything. Literally, why? What things make me different? Is it because I'm smart? Brutally honest, or overly nice? Funny? What is it about me that makes me the one? Just tell me why.
If you look at the tags, and click #thehalfback, there's pages upon pages of quotes. There's our story.
When I say I love you, this is what I mean. I mean you're my sunshine. You wake me up in the morning, you keep me running all day, even when the rain is pouring down. You make me smile when no one else can. I mean you're my angel. When those bad thoughts come back, I think of you and you save me again, just like you did when they were more than thoughts. In some ways, you're the only reason I'm here today. You're the only reason I am who I am. You're the reason I'm okay now. I mean you're my stars and sky. Everywhere I look it's you. Everytime I look up at night I wish you were there laying with me staring up into space. Are you looking at the same stars? Are you thinking the same thing? I mean you're the one I'm going to marry, and I don't care what anyone else says. If I lose a friend over that, then they weren't a friend to begin with. You stand with me through everything, no one is worth losing you over. I mean I love you, and I want you to have everything. I want to give you smile, my laughs, my tears, my hugs, my kisses, my body, my feelings, my thoughts, my life. I want you to have it all and then some. If I could, I'd give you the world. I'd knock down anyone who ever made you upset, and I'd give you everything. The sky, the sun, the moon, the flowers, the roads, the hills, the mountains, the oceans. You deserve it all. All the happiness and smiles, the butterflies and blushes, the giggles. When I say I love you, this is what I mean.
And you asked for a hug today, my heart cartwheeled.
You held me close and a tear slipped out. 
Baby, I'm yours forever. ♥
I almost lost my boy for good this time. Yeah, our fight made me mad, but the main reason? My "friends." I let them get into my head. They were all against him, all saying I could do better. You want the truth? I can't do better because he's the best I've met. You don't know how I feel about him, you don't know how he feels about me, you will never fully understand our situation even if I explained every detail. You will never feel what I feel, you'll never see if how I see it, and you will never be me. It's my life, not yours, and yes, I value your opinion, but I utimately make the decisions. It's my life. And I chose to have him in it.

I want to dance with you, twirl you all around the floor
That's what they intended dancin' for,
I just want to dance with you.
I want to dance with you, hold you in my arms once more,
That's what they invented dancin' for,
I just want to dance with you.
Ever miss someone? Not like a break up, like they're in your graspe, hell, they're already yours! But the fact that they're not right there next to you, it hurts. You just want 1 hug, 1 touch. That face they make that they probably don't even know about. You just want to see that gleam in their eye, and you'd be happy. Ever miss someone like that?

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