
Joined: May 14, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 299601
Hey everyone my name is Brianna, Im from Tasmaina. Im 11/12 years old i love to dance and sing when i'm alone and with people iv'e known for ages! In public i'm sorta shy! I have a boyfriend he's so hot and i'm deaply inlove with him. I have this feeling i'm going to be with him forever! I think he's the ONE! <3 I'm a girl who loves belly tops and tights i wear HIGH heels and put my hair up in buns :D Dont worriey! I'll be like changing my picture every second day lol! I'm like inlove with pictures! <3
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Branxoxo's Favorite Quotes

S(he) Be(lie)ve(d)

Format by twilightgirl995


If a girl gets shoved into you, she likes you.

Notice how they conveniently put 'dying' at the end of this word.
My Gramdma: Did you see me take a pill?
Me: When?
My Grandma: Just now. Did I just take a pill? I dont remember.
Me: No, I'm sorry, I wasn't looking that closely. What kind of pill was it?
My Grandma:
My Grandma:
My Grandma: It was to help my short term memory loss...

True Story

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okay⎢good⎢great⎢amazing⎢perfect⎢marry me
okay⎢good⎢great⎢amazing⎢perfect⎢marry me
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okay⎢good⎢great⎢amazing⎢perfect⎢marry me
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okay⎢good⎢great⎢amazing⎢perfect⎢marry me

i'll do them all (:

I'm gonna open a salon and call it Hairy Styles.