
Joined: April 1, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 355310
Gender: F
Model,Singer&Belieber. God is always my number one, He's help me through so much! I'm always here for people no matter who or what their problem is. I love you

Destiny_Lorelle's Favorite Quotes

So tell me how does it feel, how does it feel to be like you?
I think your mouth should be quiet 'cause it never tells the truth
So tell me, so tell me why, why does it have to be this way?
Why can't things ever change?
Format chickittylover

Give a little time to me, or burn this out.
We'll play hide and seek, to turn this around.
All I want is the taste that your lips allow
my, my, my, my, oh give me love.

divorce will not be an option. any problem
we  have we will work out for two reasons.
reason number 1 is bc when you're up at
the alter you say "Until death do us part"
not "Until we have a difficult problem" &
reason number 2 is bc I grew up in a broken
family and I would never want my kids
going through that too.


This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
one more night,
i’d told myself
i can think about you
for just one more night
i can let myself
wallow in pity
over how
you will never be
3:28 am
and here i am
thinking about you
about us
as inexistent as
will ever be

some of the sexiest things about a guy
is the way his voice sounds when he’s tired,
the smirk of satisfactory he gets on his face
when he knows he’s done something good,
and the protective instincts he has
when it comes to his girl.


my only skill
includes falling in love with people
                I can’t have


I will just get annoyed with people randomly.
Like I don’t even have a real reason to be annoyed with them
but their presence just bothers me.


Promise you'll
never forget me.
Not even
when I'm a
hundred years old.