
Status: je t'aime<3
Joined: May 1, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 107741
Location: Gardner, Mass, you like my ass? ;)
Oh hi! I'm Rachael!  I've walked this earth 15 years now, and I blow out the candles on June 12th. If you can't tell, I've been a life-long dancer. (My profile pic looks weird because I tried to get the pointe shoes in the picture.) My friends used to be my life. I didn't know what I'd do without them, but now I know after feeling so alone for so long now. I try to be a happy person, but so much has happened in my life it's been really hard to be lately. I'd label myself as an optimist in life, so if you ever need support, just talk to me and I'll get contact info to you. I get along with most everybody, so don't be shy!
I doubt you're reading this, but if you are,
you're gorgeous♥
A little more about me down there v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v
I'm currently posting a story called "The Things You Don't Know" that I wrote a while ago. I know more people are reading it than I expected, and I really appreciate that. I'm debating starting another original story, but I don't know where to start. If anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them!
"It's  amazing how nobody can see how fake my smile is."

CREDIT: SecretLoveLayouts - thank you girly! ♥ :D

Quotes by DoodleBug1997

I fully believe my brain is fabricated from a
totally foreign alien matter
not yet discovered here on earth.

 format by MegaFunsize101

it's okay not to be okay.

format by MegaFunsize101
I'm sorry I'm not thin enough
to shove a phone in my bra
and have noone notice!
Unlike some people,
I've actually got BOOBS to put in my bra!!!!!

 format by MegaFunsize101

Today's my 15th birthday guys!

I just want to say thank you to all the girls out there for being on witty whenever I needed someone. Witty is my life, I don't know what any of us would do without each other.♥
So have a fantastic day girls, I love each and every one of you! :D

Okay witty; who out there is good at making cool layouts?? I desperately need one!!!! If anybody out there wouldn't mind helping me out, I would really appreciate it!!!! Thank you girlss! ♪ ♥

I honestly feel like
my life
is meaningless.

I'm completely broken.

The fact is though that nobody cares. 

Hey you.
Do you girls ever want to help people but feel like nobody needs your help?

Go to this website. 

It makes me feel like I'm needed by somebody out there.


Skyla: "OMG guys, I got a 96% on the test!!!!"
Alex: "Wait, what happened to them?"
Skyla: "To who?"
Alex: "The people who care."
Skyla: .....
my teacher: "Great comeback Alex!!!!"


i love you.
whoever you are on the other side of this computer screen, no matter what you've gone through, you are amazing.
somebody out there is dying to be yours, you and i both know it.
you may think you're worthless, ugly, fat, dumb, blah blah blahhhh, but that's not what you should see.
i want you to do me a favor.
go look in a mirror, and say to yourself "i am worth it. i am beautiful. and i love myself for who i am today."
and say it until you believe it, even if you only do for a second.
please darling, go.

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