
Joined: August 22, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 369746
Gender: F

Henniferdee15's Favorite Quotes

Format chickittylover

  we want to be notice
but we don't want to stand out   

I wonder what
you think when you see me.

first day oschool
into class , seeing who is in it ,  & thinking
 " you've got to be kidding "

No, autocorrect, I don't live this song
I love this song
I love it
I love it.
I don't live it.

Me: You know, she probably started being mean to everyone after she was outcasted by everyone else. It's kinda like how Elphaba became Wicked...
Sister: Does all of your knowledge come from musicals?!?!
Me: Yes. Of course it does.


n g e
doesn't mean you don't know anything about love.
you know enough to wait for it.

Ask her about her day. If she had a bad one, cheer her up. If she had a good day, make it even BETTER.
"Can I draw you?" He asked, picking up his favorite pencil.
"Why not, the light is hitting you perfectly right now. You look beautiful." 

"You'll have to pay close attention to all my flaws." Rolling his eyes he connected his pencil to the thick paper.

"What flaws?" 
"My big nose. My crooked smile. Flaws." He scoffed and shook his head but he drew me nonetheless. I was afraid. He'd always said I was beautiful. Would he still think so? 

"I'm done. Come take a look, darling." And so I did, what I saw was someone who looked like me but was not me. She had my frizzy hair and my brown eyes. She did not, however, have my smile or my nose. In fact, she did not have a nose at all.

"What do you think?"



"Yeah, weird."

"This is you without your flaws. As you are now, you are beautiful. More than beautiful. You're marvelous, stupendous, desirable. You are you, and you wouldn't be you without your flaws."


Forever is a long time, but I wouldn't my spending it with you by my side.

I want to be different than the other girls you dated, I want you to look at me and not stop. Hold me like theirs no tomorrow, bring me flowers just to see me smile. Come take care of me when I’m sick. Make me feel like I’m the only girl you think about. Don't let me think I’m in competition with other girls. Send me long meaningful text messages when I’m sleeping so I wake up smiling. Write... cute stuff on my wall. Tell me I look beautiful in my sweat pants with no make-up on. Make me feel safe. Let me wear your clothes and don't ask for it back right away. Take cute and silly pictures with me even if you don't want to. Let me paint your nails. Remember the little stuff. Win me a teddy bear at the carnival. Stand up for me even if I’m wrong. Sing me songs when I’m down. Whisper cute things in my ear. Cook for me. Take walks in the rain with me. Hold my hand in public. Write me love letters and stick them in my locker. Tell me I’m the only girl you want and don't lie about it. Take me out to dinner, not an expensive place just take me places. Watch a bunch of chick flicks with me when I’m not feeling good. Say cute stuff in other languages to make me smile. And most importantly love me at all times not sometimes.See More