
Joined: April 29, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 170149

ohai there stranger. :)

- thanks for viewing my profile, ;D.
while you're here, you wouldn't mind writing in my comments would you? :)) <-- double chin, :P
I don't like them long 'About Me' things, that's why this is short.
If you don't like me, then GTFO my page. Kthanksbye. (:
If you've got twitter then post your username on my comments & I'll follow you :]
add me on stardoll - Shooting_Starsz
wanna know more? COMMENT.
Bye bitchess ;).





I_Love_You_SNM's Favorite Quotes

One Directiothings#72

Yesterday the boys were attacked in france after a daytrip.
Niall cried, harry got his hair pulled, louis got angry, Liam lost his shoe and someone tripped Zayn and he fell over.
people thought UK and Irish fans were bad...

There's a line -.- people need personal space, everyone no matter who they are.
They might be famous, but they are people too, they get hurt too.



One Directiothings#129
Harry: What would you do if I chased you around with a giant spoon?
Liam: Straighten your hair.



One Directiothings#130
Interviewer: One Thing that makes you cry?
Harry: Marley and Me.
Niall: The notebook.
Louis: Genuinely sad movies.
Liam: Zayn makes me cry....




forgeterr's signature format. Please don't remove credit. Or I will hunt you down. You do NOT want to get on my bad side.

Wiping your loose hair on the side of the shower
                                                                                                    Because it won't come off your fingers.

Science Class

1% learning

99% thinking about how people have found out all of this stuff


I just want to be taken seriously for once. 

This quote does not exist.


  father's day.
the most confusing day in the ghetto.
So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
 No one will ever change this animal I have become.       
