
Joined: October 27, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 130647

Hey guys! Er, i mean girls..

My name is  Josh and I'm a 16 year old guy

Talk to me ladies! Read that first though!

wanna know why im here?
first off, i dont care what you say!
im not afraid to express myself
i saw what some of your girls think and say about guys and that is not cool
were all really not bad
 i was raised right and i know how to treat a lady
im not fake and i know im gonna get 3098901823098230498 comments saying i am
but i just wanna be on here and learn things that girls like
and how they want guys to treat them
respect is hard to find nowadays and i wanna learn to be a gentleman
i bet no one probably read this far but if you did, yay!

wanna know some things about me?
i like video games like every other guy in this world! lol
baseball is my sport, los angeles angels of anaheim are my team
im different then most guys, really.
my favorite colors are blue, green and black
i have 2 younger sister and an older brother
i live in california
i have a dog named billy 
girls are amazing<3
i do pretty good in school, i actually like learning and i wanna do something with my life
i've never done drugs and i never will!
god is my hero as well as my parents
i love that my family is so supportive of my choices in life
theyre my rock they keep me steady

wow writing this much probably makes me seem gay but im just trying to prove a point. let me clarify, i am not gay!
That's it girls, leave a comments! thanks :)

Joshyy's Favorite Quotes

Today, I was at a hockey game and when a fight broke out on the ice, the song 'Why Can't We Be Friends?' began playing. MLIA
Josh: Megan, why was your bucket on top   of our door?                                                                                                    
Megan: Why was your door underneath my                      bucket?                                                                                                                                
Fave if you remember this episode from Drake and Josh                                                 

Did you know that when someone appears in your dreams, it`s because that person misses you.

-Psychological Fact.

This quote does not exist.
#1 Reason Not to Take the Bus:
Hi, I'm your creepy bus driver,
  and now I know where you live ;)
format from secretsunspoken
How to avoid a speeding ticket

*cop pulls you over*

Cop: Can i see your liscense
You: I dont have one
Cop: Right, can i see the proof of ownership of this car?
You: Its not my car.
Cop: Well where is the owner?
You: I killed him he is in the trunk.

*Cop takes out walkie talkie and call over the commisoner*

Commisoner: Is everything all right sir?
You: Fine thank you.
Commisoner: This officer tells me you stole this car, you killed the owner, and you dont have a liscense. Is this true?
You: No. Heres my liscense and proof of ownership.

*Show him Liscense and proof of ownership*

You: and as you can see

*open trunk*

You: Theres no one in the trunk.

*Commisoner looks confused*
You: I bet he also told you i was speeding.

And thats how you avoid a speeding ticket.

favorite if there's
someone    that
you'd die for 

* Throws book at someones face *


"I facebooked you" :)


6.00 p.m...

 To Do Tonight:

 oScience homework
 oMaths problems
 oRevise for upcoming test
 oStart working on history assignment


3 hours later:

 What Ive done so far:

 þChecked facebook about 25 times
 þWatched 8 videos on
 þFaved 50 quotes on Witty
 þMade a quote about my fruitless evening.


“Oh sh*t.”
[you know what I'm talking about, so hit the ]

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