
Joined: December 4, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 246804
Hey, I'm Katiee. (: 13 years old. I've been through alot in my 13 years of living. Sometimes i wish I was never born, and other times I'm so glad I was put on this earth. (: I love to meet new people, and Witty seems like the place for it:) <3

KatieeRenee's Favorite Quotes

I have  invited my friend to see The Woman In Black
And she is frogging freaked out...

So She said if this quote gets over 20 faves (Reasonable)
That she would come. She thinks I will never get that many faves in a few hours; and I want to prove her wrong.

So Fave? Love You My Wittians x


Format Credit: FaveFormats.


One Directiofact #56
All the boys hope to find their soulmates before 30.

format by DamnnTaylerx



National Suicide Hotline

Please favorite to possibly
save someone's life.

RIP Olivia. Liv strong. ♥



This quote does not exist.

I meant nothing to him
To begin with♥



Dear One Direction,
You all are on my to do list. 

This quote does not exist.

Fave if you don't want to go to school. :/

Fave for a random note on your profile ;
I promise I'll do them allll(:

Format by Sandrasaurus


Is anybody else extremely p*ssed because the Giants won the Superbowl?