
Joined: January 26, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 268073
Hi. I seriously hate life. My friends ignore me a lot...we barely ever talk. So much for friends, right? My family usually yells and fights with each other all the time. We also ignore each other a lot and it's usually the same small talk that's ever spoken.  ("How was school?" "How was your day?" etc.)  Unless I'm at my mom's, that is. But I really don't want to move in with her because of my life here (my town sucks though, but still, I'm gonna end up leaving here someday.) and also because she ahd her boyfriend (pretty sure he is 'cause you don't normally move in with a guy like that) smoke, so it smells like crap. I also hate myself. A LOT.  So much for life. Whoop-de-freaking-do.

Quotes by LeftInTheDark

There has been a death.

So there’s this kid that died. There’s not too much details about it so I’m not gonna even explain it. I only know that he rode my bus. And that he didn’t deserve it. He was a senior, just weeks from graduation. I wish I could’ve taken his place. I’m the one that deserves to die anyway.

Have you ever just bottled it in, so you don't be a burden? To not feel like an attention seeker because of that thing inside of you, making you feel this way? You feel horrible, since you know you have it better than others. You feel like you have no right to feel this way. You are hiding. You've perfected that fake smile so no one knows about what's going on inside. You've acted so happy so much that you actually started believing it and then crashed down. You want to end it all. Have you? Have you ever?

I get it.

  I'm just not good enough.



And sometimes; 

I just don't feel like living anymore.

My sister keeps on bringing me down even farther...
Wish I was skinny. i look like I'm pregnant. I'm a fat cow.
I don't know why I feel like this...
I'm not bullied or abused or anything bad...
Somethng must be wrong with me.
I cried my eyes out about an hour ago.
I'm sick of all the fighting.
It just pushes me even closer to the edge