
Joined: March 21, 2014
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 380143
My names Louise, i never know what to type here so...

Thanks for viewing my profile
~Louisiana ;)

LostInMyOwnWorld's Favorite Quotes

“I just lost your book” they said.
“It’s not like it’s a big deal” they said.
“It’s just a book” they said.
“What are you doing with that axe” they said.
if u guys ever feel uncoordinated just remember that sometimes a sloth will mistake its own arm for a treebranch, grab it, and fall to their death

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
I want to hit you with my car 
Throw you off a tree so high

Hope you snap your neck and die

"My cousin is six.

I was talking to him the other day and I said

'What do you want to be when you're older?'

He looked at me and went 'A unicorn.'

And I was like 'Why is that?'

'So I can stab people with my head.'"


Can you understand that i want to be the girl that
everyone wants to be friends with, boys like her, girls want to be her, family adores her, shes funny, she is smart, another level of beauty, everyone looks up too, perfect, the perfect figure, the girl with the amazing smile, with the pretty eyes, with the brightest future ahead of her, that has talent, the girl that always smiles and its real, amazes everyone, can do no wrong only right.
i am not that girl
imagine how radical being a pet fish is like youre just swimming around and suddenly it starts raining food 

Leonardo DiCaprio: *names child Oscar*

Doctor: "Would you like to hold h-"

Leonardo DiCaprio: "Say it like we rehearsed it."

Doctor: *sighs* "And the Oscar goes to..."


Those people who write 1 word for a quote and get 49 favourites:O


hello 911 my sock is falling down inside my shoe

                    me: mom im done
                    mom: excuse me?
                    me: ive had it, im dropping out
                    mom: who do you think you are??
                    me: im done with the fake b
'i't'ches, the homework, all of it
                    mom: you're on 2nd grade
                    me: no one gets me