
Joined: August 10, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 120177
Hi! I joined here per recomendtions from my friends. I love quotes, though I can't say I'm the best at making them up. I'll do my best! I've read a lot of the quotes already on here and most of them are really good! I Hope you'll enjoy mine once I get going...and i hope i will cauz i love reading and writing and aspire to be a really good writer someday. Also, I'd love if people somehow could give me good book suggestions as I never want to miss out on a good read! Thanks!

A Bit More About ME:

♦I Love Love LOVE Harry Potter in all its GREATNESS
♦Ditto on Hunger Games
♦Ditto on the Sisters Grimm
♦Music ROCKS literally and figuratively
♦I'd really like to hear about what people think of my quotes 
♦Eventually, I'll add more to this list
♦adding more...
♦I love to read fanfiction, and I want to write it
♦inserting these bullets is getting old
♦I am in band, and I play the trombone. I am the only girl trombone and have been since I started but I will tell you it is a HOT istrument!!

Quotes by Mackie42

My least favourite questions:

-What gender are you?(never actually been asked this)
-You read???
-What is wrong with you?


Fav/Comment if you are a girl who plays the trombone! I do! Also fav if you think that's cool!
(And sorry for telling you to fav, I just want to know)

Is it weird to not really like anyone in particular at any point? Or are people just in denial about thier feelings when they feel this way??

Anyone else get so bored they click the ADD A QUOTE button without the slightest idea of what they're gonna write?

My Favorite Character Pairings:

Do You Agree?


I Really Wonder What

               The Hell                             Goes Through

Peoples' Minds

Things And Mistakes That You Should Never Do At Hogwarts:

#7. Dumbledore is not, nor is he related to, any of the following:



*The Snowman from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Things And Mistakes That You Should Never Do At Hogwarts:

#6. Do Not compare Lupin to Jacob Black or Mr. Canis/The Big Bad Wolf. I assure you, they are three different things.
-ditto when it comes to Sirius
Things And Mistakes You Should Never Do At Hogwarts:

#5. No passing around the Harry Potter books to students to use as references in class.
-ditto on the movies