
Joined: November 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 238638

Im Seyaria, idgaf what people think about me. I'm really nice, just don't piss me off. follow me ;*  i'll love you forever. <3

SeyariaGotSwag's Favorite Quotes

I'll only stop
loving you
when a mute
guy tells a
deaf guy, that
a blind guy,
saw a legless
guy walk on

You made me insecure,
told me, I wasn't good enough.




I'm not a test,

You don't have to cheat on me.

it's the short hellos and the long goodbyes,
                          the shake in my lip from the look in your  eyes...


I dont wish to be 

Everything to everyone.

but  i  would   l ike   to   be  something
to someone . ♥



Life gave uome,
so I gave up on life.



weird thoughts to have:
twenty years ago, you actually did not exist.

i just want to feel important to someone.


 who's always there for everyone even though no one is ever therfome

hannahlovesxox fade
it's hard to stay postive,

when nothing ever goes right.