
Joined: December 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 251956
My name is Autumn.
I'm 15 at the moment.
My birthday is on December 25th.
My favorite color is green.
I live in North Carolina.
I wear glasses and braces and no, im not a nerd.
I wear make-up but not enough to be called fake.
I have a hard time getting attached and trusting people because they just leave me.
My life is pretty boring, so I'm done.

autumn123's Favorite Quotes

I Don't understand those
  couples that fight and a
  minute later their
  Facebook status goes
  to "single"

I mean,
 I fight with my parents
And you don't see me
 Change my status to


That moment of awesome
 When you walk in on someone doing something weird, and happy it wasn't you that time.

Format by twilightgirl995

Before push-up bras and condoms
were your best friends, I was

Dear "Best friend"
just ignore me
and say you're
doing homework

that's cool.
just so you know, i can see your facebook posts 



Let me know when you're off your



I figured it out.
I don't actually wanna go out with you.
I just don't want you to have a girlfriend.
Because thats less time that
we get to spend time together.

Anyone wanna be my witty bestfriend?

This quote does not exist.


Stacy. Her mom got it all.