
Joined: June 22, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 80349
Hey iiits sabbriina
i love soccer, & lax
get to know mee.

binababyyyx3's Favorite Quotes

Hey, see that big bright thing in the sky? 
It's called the sun and the earth revolves around it,
not you.

oXHuntressXo ©
Hi, I'm making this quote cause i want a notification (:
him- ok so i think you are the most beautiful, prettiest, nicest, coolest, girl ever.. and i want you to know that i like you.

girl- awee, and how many girls have you said that too ?

him- none, i truly think you are the most beautiful girl i've ever seen<3

Should i be falling for this? helpp!


           I'm 14 and i haven't had a bf yet.. I've been called prude millions of times but truth is, i don't want a boyfriend.. I don't wanna be heart-broken after a 4 day relationship; where people go out "for fun". I wanna real relationship and i'm waiting for a good one to happen. I'm perfectly fine single and i'm loving every second of it. So stop judging me.

please fave if you agree with mee<3
I love witty cuz i can trust you all.


not like "i wanna push you up against a wall & kiss you" cute, 
but like "i wanna pinch you're widdle cheeks" cute.


I wish there was a poke all button.

Words don't hurt?

Tell me if it hurts when I throw
this dictionary at your face...



and i will write something nice on your profile

This quote does not exist.