
Joined: August 27, 2013
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 370084
Gender: F
Hi!! My name is brittany, and i love metal music, snowboarding, skateboarding, and just hanging with my friends...fine, and my family too. My favorite subjects in school are math and science. I also like eating Spanish foods. I am very cheesy. I get very stupid when im tired. (just warning you hehe) Thank you for reading this, and have a wonderful day today...BYE!!!

brittanyfaithw's Favorite Quotes

I believe whenever Pete Wentz writes blue/ blues he is referring to his way of dealing with depression. Like in Nobody put Baby in a Corner the lyric goes, "So wear me like a locket around your throat, I weigh you down, I watch you choke you look so good in blue." isn't just some vengeful love request, but is actually about the effect the lyrics have had on their fans. Wentz has written these lyrics in the hopes of feeling less alone with this feeling and in turn help others realize they aren't alone either. Then in Hum Hallelujah where it goes, "I sing the blues and swallow them too," is another reference to their depressing song lyrics and trying to recover by taking anti-depressants. There is probably multiple ways fall out boy has written to express depression and other feelings/experiences, but this is the one that I noticed so...

Someone loves me, I should be happy.
& I've got arrogance down to a science

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J U S T  A   L I N E   I   A   S O N G    


ABC's of my life; 
[a]vailable: yes
[b]irthday: feb. 28th
[c]rush: yes?
[d]rink you last had: waterr;p
[e]asiest person to talk to: hmm.
[f]avorite genre of music: dance/ (green day, hollywood undead, three days grace, etc..)
[g]ummy bears or gummy worms: gummy worrmms
[h]ad your first kiss: yepp
[i]nstrument: violin
[j]uice: no thankks? lol
[k]illed someone: lmaoo most deff
[l]ongest trip: portugal (3 weeks)
[m]ilkshake flavor: vinilla
[n]umber of siblings: 2

[o]ne wish: to be liked.
[p]erson who holds the best memories: my journal.
[q]uiet or loud?: quiet

[r]easons to smile: ha. uhm when im not thinkin
[s]ong: anything by falloutboy.<3
[t]ime you woke up:  10:30
[u]mbrella: but its not raining...
[v]egetable: brocolli
[w]arm at the moment: actually im freezing but idc
[x]-rays you've had: toe, elbow, toe
[y]our favorite movies: hmmm.
[z]odiac sign: piecsess

credit to brandilovescandi i took the questions from herr
thanks for the memories. 


“Same Question”

An immense joy 
In something that you never knew existed,

you always ask yourself
Where has this been all my life?

2:52 am 
July 28 2015

You passed pills to those who unfortunately
found you before
they found help
I hope your hands burn, when you touch her I won’t be the cure for the scars you’ve earned You lit the fuse, thought I’d burn too But you’re playing with a heart that’s fireproof I watch your flames rise, destroy your alibis I should have warned you You’re playing with a heart thats fireproof

there's this boy i know.
we've been friends since we were younger.
his parents, are divorced though.
so he lives with his mom, a couple states away.
i only see him once every two years or so.
i saw him yesterday.
we talked for hours, and it was 1 am when my mom made me leave his house.
he's antisocial, like me. so it was hard for us to start talking.
but i've never had a bigger crush on anyone.
and my hands are shaking,
as i nervously stratch at my scars.
and i think i've found a reason to live another year.