
Joined: January 13, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 263077

STATUS: shit mooooood..
i'm millie. i am rarely on this. third account. past caring. i will hopefully make an attempt to be nice to anyone who talks to em unless you're 1)annoying 2)bitchy 3)ignorant. i have depression and a sub-clinical eating disorder. adios.

 witty facebook // Tumblr // twitter // dailybooth // my best friend

crashandfall's Favorite Quotes

Strangers can become friends just as easy as bestfriends can become strangers.


hauntingly beautiful

Chapter 19

Maddi's Point of View
"Hunter, let's go to the mall after school." I said, making it sound more like a command than a question.
Hunter didn't seem to be paying attention, and he was making it obvious.
His gaze was adverted towards the far left section of the classroom, as I followed it.
My eyes landed on Hayden.
She was sitting alone in the corner, reading one of our English novels.
I twisted my glossy lips, digging my manicured nails into my skin.
Why the hell was he staring at her?
He was mine.
"Hunter." I gritted through my teeth.
Hunter flinched, staring at me with surprise.
It was like he didn't even know that his own girlfriend was sitting next to him during the whole class.
"Yes?" he asked, taking one last glance at Hayden.
I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.
Hunter's been acting up since the night of the party, but I tried my best to ignore it.
"We're going to the mall after school today" I repeated.
Hunter turned to me with a frown."
"I don't remember agreeing to that." he rubbed the back of his neck.
His hair messily fell in front of his eyes, as I pursed my lips.
"Well, we are. It'll be a fun date." I smiled sweetly, clinging on his toned arms.
Hunter sighed, as I kept catching him sneaking glances at Hayden.
I wanted to climb on top of the desk and scream at him for staring at him.
Hayden was a loser with a psycho past.
She didn't deserve Hunter.
So, why was Hunter so interested in her?
"I-I don't think I can make it." he muttered, still staring at her.
I pouted, crossing my arms with frustration.
"Fine. I'll just go with Derek." I snarled.
Hunter waved his hand, not even paying attention.
"Fine, that's good." he mumbled.
Suddenly, the sound of a chair scrapping across the floor filled the room.
Hayden stood up, as she began to head out the door.
Before I knew it, Hunter jogged out of the classroom, following her.
Hayden's Point of View
Class was boring.
The teacher was dead asleep on the desk, and I couldn't put up with Maddi and Hunter constantly flirting.
I got up and left class without permission, wandering around the halls.
I was going to head to my locker to get my books to prepare for my next class, but I was stopped by a shuffling of footsteps behind me.
I reluctantly turned around, as Hunter stared at me, just a few feet away.
I bit my lower lip, fiddling with my fingers nervously.
I began to turn around to continue to my locker, but he stopped me.
"Wait, Hayden." he caught up with me. "We need to talk."
Don't push him away. I told myself.
I cleared my throat, as he approached me. "About what?"
He took in a deep breath, licking his lips.
A part of me melted when he did that.
"We need to talk about what happened the other night." he said.
I gulped, thinking back to the kiss.
It was my first kiss, and he said it was a mistake.
"I didn't mean it like that when I said it was a... mistake." he hesitated.
I could feel my lips quiver, as I shook my head.
I forced a small smile on my face, gulping.
"No, no, it's fine. It- it meant absolutely nothing." I lied. "I'm sorry about everything okay? From insulting you to the whole kiss thing. Let's just forget that it ever happened."
Hunter's face was pained, which broke my heart.
"W-we should just move on from our lives. It's better for the both of us." my voice cracked, as tears threatened to spill out.
Hunter remained quiet, which killed me.
"I-I'm going to the bathroom now." I abruptly annoucned, pushing past him.

Maddi's a pain in the _____ :)

 I don'thinyou'careThahurts. 


Staying strong
isn't as simple as it sounds.
I can't do it anymore.
I just can't. 


I will never be able to forgive you



This quote does not exist.
pushing her around
   doesnt make you any better.

I'm the guy everyone wants dead.
Believe me, I've tried.