
Status: Loving Life,Hating Life.....Living Life.
Joined: November 2, 2011
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 233502
Location: Ireland/Belgium
Gender: F
Hey my name is Una <3 I love anyone who goes on my profile ;) meaning you!

I also happen to luuurve reading(Infernal Devices,Mortal Instrusments,Hunger Games,Percy Jackson/Heros of Olympus!), Water(I'm a total water-baby hence the name DaughterOfTheSea :P), Music!!!!,I listen to every type of music but mostly slow songs!,I also reaaaallly love singing!

I really love my best friends and family,they are everything to me!

My favourite TV shows are Merlin and Downton Abbey:)

I'm also a total mythology nerd,especially greek and roman,and I love Latin!
The picture at the top of my page is meant to be Artemis,greek goddess of hunt and girls and all that stuff.

Hobbys: Horse-riding,singing,swimming,acting and
dansing :)

I love Winter  and Summer and Autumn and

Spring, they are each beautiful and

wonderful in their own way,kind of like the
people on Witty.

So basically while sometimes I really hate life

and sometimes I really love it, I was born to

live it and I was given a pretty great one,I

would not swap my friends and family for the world.


daughterofthesea's Favorite Quotes

Heres to the 1999 kids
Who are rejected by true 90's kids 
 But are too old to be a 2000 kid

When you start getting really stressed because you can't find something,
Then you realize it's in your hand.
I am NOT forever alone, I am forever available (:
-how did you break your leg?
-see that hole over there?
-well, i didn't.

I would just like to say that
throughout the years I've
been a liar, not once have my
pants caught on fire.

When ever some calls

me ugly,  I  get super sad & hug
them because I know how

hard life is for the visually


earphones in: don't talk to me.
earphones out: don't talk to me. 


me every morning: I am so sorry but I have to leave...
my bed: Nooo,it's too cold outsde for angels to fly.

My Boyfriend A shout out to all the beautiful women who don't need to dress half-naked to get a man's attention. Stay classy! But for the rest of you, I'd like you to come with me.
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thanks babe.