
Joined: November 27, 2010
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 136472
Gender: F

kaylenmckenzie97's Favorite Quotes

Depression is like drowning;
execpt everyone else around you can breathe.


the mayans taught me something,
that if you don't finish something... well, it's not the end of the world.

girl pockets: can fit a piece of lint. if you're lucky, two pieces of lint.
guy's pockets: can fit car keys, a notepad, a calculator, the neighbors dog, an apartment complex, the entire state of hawaii, and half of jupiter.

who else let their balloon fly into
the sky whilst making a wish?




shoutout to zac efron for
never pursuing a singing career after he left disney.


let's be friends with benefits.
the benefits? you get to be friends with me.


i hate when you're trying to get a blanket on
but you turn it the wrong wat so then the short width is on you long ways and your feet are cold and you have to move the entire blanket again.


your "jokes" hurt.


*looks in the mirror.*
"oh, so that's why people don't like me."

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