
Joined: March 21, 2010
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 104026
Hello (: My name is Alaina.  I am currently 15 years old and my birthday is on the 14th of November. I have a wonderful family and wonderful friends. I have six sisters and one brother. I also have 8 nephews and 4 nieces. My nephew, baby Brody is in heaven right now, and i'm sure he's having a great time <3 Loving life. Although it's hard sometimes, I have great friends to help me through those hard times. I love my mommy and I don't know where I would be without my stepdad. He is a father figure to me, and I love him.  I love cats. Seriously, i'm obsessed.  My mommy is obsessed with them too. We have 7. Yes. 7 cats. Currently single and ready to mingle (; My friends and family are my world.  Oh and I am in LOVE with Hunter Hayes. I'm going to see him in concert along with Carrie Underwood in May. SO EXCITED.

Also, if you need any advice, i'm always here <3 Love always, Alaina

Quotes by lilrocker4ever12

Holaaaa! Help me out?
I'm doing a survey for school, if you could please comment your gender, grade level (freshman, sophmore, junior, or senior),
and your choice, that would be amazing!

Who is your favorite female singer?
1. Beyonce
2. Taylor Swift
3. Rihanna
4. Carrie Underwood

Again please comment your gender, grade level, and choice. Thanks!!!
btw i need 10 more sophmores, juniors, and seniors!


Me:  She's such a...
Mom: Go ahead...say it.
Me:  B*tch!
Mom: I thought you were going to say Loser...

Me:  So i got an A on my Spanish test...

Can you all do me a favor? You will probably read right past this..but those who don't..thankyou(:

Go to powersdancer5678 's page and look at the comments she said to other's rude. Witty isn't made for people like her.. She also called me a joke, and all i did was stated my opinion.
Can you all do me a favor?  You will probably read right past this..but those who don't..thankyou(:
Go to powersdancer5678  's page and look at the comments she said to other's rude.  Witty isn't made for people like her.. She also called me a joke, and all i did was stated my opinion.

what if... 

 There is a website where guys vent about their feelings?



I was at work..
And this guy i work with randomly says...

"I've always wanted a dog named Jack.

So when people are over I can be all like..


fav if you get it.

Is amazing.
Go ahead..follow her.

you won't regret it


I'll always be there for you..remember that♥

You're dating my ex?
Cool. I'm eating a sandwich.
You want those leftovers too?



Everyone spazzes and starts cleaning




"What's wrong with me?"
Millions of girls ask themselves this question every SINGLE day.

It's horrible, just because there's people who like to point out every single flaw.
I want to make a movement. When you feel alone because you feel alone and no one knows how you feel, look on this list.
Each girl that reads this. I want you to post your biggest insecurity about yourself.
It'll become a list. I just want to show each and everyone of you that you're not alone.


1. My weight.
2. My weight
3. My weight.
4. My weight.
5. My flat chest
6. my face
7. my belly flab
8. My acne.
9. my nose and flat chest. :(
10. My face
11.My hips