
Joined: April 27, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 169675
No matter what anyone says. Your strong, your beautiful and someday you will find your prince. I found mine when I least expected it. Trust me, he's out there. No matter how bad things are, I'm here. I've been threw a lot and I would be glad to help email me at:

Quotes by littlemizzclutz

Tears streaming down her face,
Gasps causing her body to lurch foreward,
The feeling of the world crumbling.
All of it's becoming to much...
To much pain,
To much sorrow,
To much trying to do the right thing only to have it blow up...

All of it's becoming to much for this little girl.
So she lifts up the knife.
And finally... finally.
The little girl has found her peace,
no longer crying,
no more pain.

All is finally well for this little girl

I love you.
three words

I'm in love with you.
five words.

Two more words.. can make a
world of difference.

Cutting seems so much easier then dealing with this pain...
but I promised to many people I wouldn't..
plus I knew... that if I did...
then he would to.
And I can't let that happen.

Confession #17

I love homecoming, because it's the one day in pretty
much the entire year that me and my mom won't fight.

Now Romeo and Juliet,
bet they never felt the way we felt,
Bonnie and Clyde never had to hide like we do we do.
You and I both know it can't work,
it's all fun and games till someone gets hurt,
and I know I won't let that be you.

Now you don't wanna let go,
and I don't wanna let you know that,
they're most be something real between us two.

Now we don't wanna fall,
but we're tripping in our hearts,
it's reckless and clumsy.
Cuz I know you can't love me here.

Stuck in the moment by Justin Bieber.

Day Ten: One confession

I am terrified of the person I see in the mirror. I see a happy girl, someone with real reasons to smile and nothing to be afraid of hiding. I see a girl that is finally.... happy. and that terrifies me...cuz I think she is going to go right back to being depressed...

Day Nine: Two words that describe my life and why

This took some thought...but honestly I would pick statistic and love. Statistic because that is basically describes my past, all the cutting, the food I passed by just to feel pretty, the words and the plan I had to kill myself, going to a Rehab center... statistic describes perfectly my past. I would pick love tho because love describes my future. It describes why I'm better and how I know that I will be okay. By the love of my family, my friends, everyone around me, I know that I will be describes my future and how i know that something besides pain exists.

Day Eight: Three Turn-ons

1. Having amazing eyes.
2. Giving amazing, long hugs that just make my stomach flutter
3. Letting me talk and be myself, no matter what

Day Seven: Four turn-offs

1. Being a jerk to me or my friends
2. Talking to me about my butt or anything physical besides my eyes.
3. Lieing to me.
4. Not being there for me
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