
Joined: June 26, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 187628
My name's Marisa, I'm a 13 year old girl born on October !8th.
I'm a cheerleader;; Lady Rebels(;
i love my bestfriendss, Desiree (desireemarie), Laura (tobrramo), Jojo, and Sara<3
i like peanutbutter probley the best thing that came in my life.
(peanutbutter is a code name just sayin)
My best guy friend is Tyler, he's always there for me and i love him
im nice guys:D so hmu
i'll return in favor(;

i love witty and everyone on it(:

I'm getting sick of your bullshit attitude
And how you walk around like you shine brighter, it's killing me.

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marisarose's Favorite Quotes

don't leave me alone. it's the worst pain.

can you just walk past me
  like you don't even know me?
How do you live your life
not even thinking about me?
How can you wake up in the morning
and just
about me?


I wear makeup; I'm fake.                                                                                                                                                                 

I don't wear makeup; I'm ugly.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Thanks for showing me I'll never be okay with myself, Society.

On December 21, 2012,
I want to get a text message saying;
'If the world ends today, I want you to know I love you'

Make your move before im gone » » » Because people change and hearts go on.

mom: will you let your brother know it's dinnertime?
mom: well i could've done that.
me: then why didn't you?    

Casey Anthony adopted a dog...

Let's hope she doesn't kill it.


a high five
if it wasn't
good enough
the first time


This quote does not exist.