
Joined: December 21, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 253783

shelbytate's Favorite Quotes

someone will always be prettier.
someone will always be smarter.
someone will always be younger.

but they will never be you.


Favorite this if
you've ever considered killing yourself.
You're not alone.

I like being alone , because I don't have to be anyone's  anything.
I can just be myself, and I can't do that around any person on this planet.

I wonder how he felt when I told him that I cut myself.

This quote does not exist.
so tomorrow is valentines day. who else is forever alone for valentines day? if you will be too! ☺
“If you killed yourself tonight, You think no one would care. You’re just another waste of space & you don’t deserve to be here. Your parents wouldn’t care and friends wouldn’t be losing anything. The kids in your class wouldn’t notice you were gone. Teachers don’t care. They think “Oh, another kid I don’t have to fail.” The populars are happy. They don’t have to see your ugly face ever again. That’s because you’re six feet under and no one ever cared. The battle you were fighting ended. The one with your self. But there is a twist to this story. You were wrong. Your mom found you that dreadful morning blaming herself, Of course. She thought it was her fault. All those times she has yelled at you or ever told you “no”. It’s all her fault. Your dad called 911. He was sorry for all the times he wasn’t there. The soccer games he missed out on, and the times he was too busy to care. Your sibling finally came home, But your parents wish they didn’t. They would have to tell them you were never coming home. Your brother turned to drugs to cope with your death. Crack was there when you were gone. Eventually, one sad night, It over powered him. Your little sister starts to cut. She want’s to see Her big brother & sister in heaven. Your mother still blames herself. She sits in your room and tries to clean it. But it’s to hard to see, The one smiling, happy girl is six feet under and gone for good. Your dad turns to alcohol. He became addicted just like his friends feared. Your once lively, loving father turned into a monster. The ones kids dreampt of while Growing up. The kid that once copied your homework dropped out of school and turned to drugs. The girl who never talked about being bullied finally spoke out. Don’t you see it? You need to be here.” — (via soci3ty-killed-the-teenag3r) {tumblr}

Maybe I should start jogging..
Hahaha, I'm not gonna start jogging.


because i don't know what you're going through. so don't sit there & tell me it'll be okay, because you'll never understand.