
Joined: February 9, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 100763
Gender: F

soccerxgirlx97's Favorite Quotes

When I was in fifth grade,
I got a detention for kicking my crush. I remember I refused to tell my mom. Not because I was scared she would be mad, because I know she would have laughed. No, I didn't want to tell her in fear that Santa would hear that I had been "naughty" an he would give me coal for Christmas.
Yeah. I had my priorities straight.


Wanna learn how to beatbox?
say, "boots and cats" over and over.
you're welcome.

*adds a quote*

*5 minutes later*

Aww. No ones liking it.

*10 minutes later*

Me:  No faves?
Me:  Kay. Time to delete another quote. 

sometimes when i say "I'm okay", i want someone to look me in the eyes , hug me tight, and say " I know you're not."


Oh, so you got arrested?
just say YOLO to the cops and I'm sure they'll understand.


I called my boyfriend

last night
I was crying because my parents have been talking a lot about moving.
It's not that I don't want to live somewhere else,
or that I like all my friends here(which I do),
or that my room is really cool.
It's not about the little things I will miss.
It's about him.
I love Johnny so much.
I feel like if I move away we wont be able to make things work.
I told him all of this on the phone too.
He disagreed.
He told me that no matter how far away we were that he would always love me the same. He said we were meant to be together and that some how, some way, we would be. Regardless of where I am. 
I don't know what to do. 
Maybe I'm over reacting.
I don't want to leave you.
You're my Johnjohn.
This quote does not exist.

and then...
 my world came crashing down.

Thank you to everybody
that said nice things, 
and stood up for me,
but i seriously think i might leave witty
and don't think that its because of
a couple girls who think they can get to me.
i am having seriously hard times and i don't know
how much longer i can deal with this.

thank you witty, for giving me the time of day

when nobody else would.

Lol So True: #159
Dear Karma, I have a 'friend' who is desperately awaiting your visit.

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