
Joined: September 24, 2011
Last Seen: 7 years
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Hi, my name's Alexis Nicole Burke. As of right now, I am 434,990,572 seconds old. That's 13 years old, because I know you're not going to take the time to do the math out. I live in this certain shitthole in Massachusetts, and attend an equally shitty middle school. You see, in my grade (8th), the majority of the girls are recieving $25 dollars for a blowjob they have just given, or are rolling a blunt. Me? I'm laying in a very akward postion on my bed eating some instant multigrain brown rice (with butter, of course), listening to Kiss Me Slowly by Parachute, and pondering some things. For example: Why is there an Arizona Iced Tea juice box taped to my wall? Oh yes, it must have been this fuckface that I call my best friend, Reilly. Her and my other loyal companions are what keeps me sane in this fucked up thing called life. Are you getting bored yet? If the answer is no, then keep reading. There is no other answer, because I am an amazing writer. Lololol jk. I don't have a real "me", just thousands of different personalities and fake smiles sown together to create a completely messed up teenage girl. I don't take anything seriously. That can be a good thing, and a bad thing. It's good because when someone insults me or says 'I hate you', I laugh like it's a joke. But then when someone compliments me, or says 'I love you',  I laugh like it's a joke, too. I can honestly say I have a sad life. I've gotten so used to dissapointments that I've learned to not really expect anything besides that. I know that in the end, everything comes crashing down on you. People you love will die sooner or later, you have to know that. I didn't know that when my dad died, and look what it has turned me into. And it just makes it worse when my boyfriend of 4 months broke up yesterday. I wouldn't ask me for music recommendations, unless you want to go curl in a ball and cry. I like a lot of sad music.  Something else you should know about me is I over exaggerate everything and anything. My memory is horrible. I can be really annoying. Wow, I'm making myself sound emo or something. I'm not, I promise. I don't believe in self harm, at all. You're never completely alone, there's always someone that understands or has it worse than you. Alright, by now I've probably drove you into depression. Happy things! I'm obssesed with Temple Run, it's my life. I go to the gym just to sit on the floor and eat vending machine snacks. Woo! I think my favorite thing in the world is 4 o' clock a.m. conversations on the phone, when you can admit almost anything. I hate drama, and my school is packed full of it. It's almost impossible not to get sucked in. I have connect-the-dot freckles on my arm that make a peace sign, and I love them. I couldn't live without multi-colored neon socks. They're my obsession. I PMS. Fun! I admit I'm a pushover, and I can tolerate almost anything. Holy shit, I wrote a fucking biography or something. Oh yeah, I swear a lot. And this song? My life. Alright, that's enough. I'm done, goodbye.
Status:I fucking hate break ups.