
Joined: January 9, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 262021

xoxo_beautiful's Favorite Quotes

My smiles
about as real as your promises.


When someone tells you,

that you
cannot do
something, turn around


say, "watch me."

This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.
This quote does not exist.

My Brother...
Heard on what's happening between my boyfriend and I . So when I  went by him he grabbed my arm and hugged me. Then took me into the bathroom and told me to look in the mirror and he said "If he doesn't love you, just know I always will." Best big brother ever(:
This quote does not exist.

You know that feeling when,

You're trying so hard to hold back tears,
just waiting for when you get home so
you can go in your room and cry your
eyes out, because you just can't take
it anymore?
Where you just want somebody to
hold you close and tell you its going
to be alright but everyone's
against you?
That's how I feel right now.

© ThatsSoMeee :)



&i will; follow you. comment on your profile

what i think of you. &blow up your

notifications ;D

What hurts the most is,
that you just woke up and decided to never talk to me again

and you made it look so easy..


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