Story Quote #5940331
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Stick Thin Chapter 21 Part 2 Jenna’s P.O.V I wake up the

Stick Thin
Chapter 21
Part 2

 Jenna’s P.O.V
I wake up the next morning, eyes swollen and red from crying.
Remembering yesterday, I burst into tears all over again.
I stop snivelling after about 10 minutes and turn around in my bed, using my hands to push myself up off the mattress. I roll out and onto the fluffy rug on the ground.
It smells like Rover.
I hold back yet another flood of tears and head into the bathroom.
Tuesday. Only 3 more weeks until the summer holidays. Then I can have this baby and get rid of my fat.
I turn around to look at the mirror. For a second I see myself as others see me, a tired thin girl. Arms and legs like sticks and face hollow. She is slightly chubby from a baby but still incredibly thin.
Then the image swirls and instead I see a huge girl with chubby cheeks, a massive stomach and tree trunk legs.
I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I see myself as I really am. I scream and punch the mirror. It shatters before me and I watch the shards flutter down to the tiles. A broken mirror.
Seven years bad luck.

Ethan’s P.O.V
My phone buzzes and I lift it up to read a shocking text message from Sally – Why do I even have her number?
Ur frend is such a d*ck ~ Sally
What? My friend, which one? What the hell is she talking about?
I was about to text back when I hear smashing upstairs.
I throw my phone down on the sofa and run up the steps to Jenna’s bedroom and then into her bathroom.
I stop short when I see shattered glass on the floor.
I push the door open wider and see Jenna sitting on the ground.
“What the f*ck are you doing?” I yell.
She was picking up each individual piece of glass and pressing it into her legs, cheeks and arms. Specks of blood were oozing from the cuts, the red liquid mixing with the hot salty tears running down her face. I stormed over to her, smacking the piece of glass out of her hand. She turned her head sharply to me, finally acknowledging I was there.
“Ethan! What do you want?” She growls.
“What are you doing to yourself Jenna?” I say softly. Her face crumples.
“It takes the pain away from real life.” 
Oh God. This can't be happening.
Jenna's P.O.V

Omg guys so sorry, last chapter was meant to say Chapter 21 Part 1 not chapter 2 part 1! I get it that you probably knew what I meant but it might of been a little confusing, so....sorry! :S
So i'm back and i have THE most gorgous tan eva! Sorry, boring chapter, but I guess you need some of those once in a whie :P Next chapter will be up soon. I've almost finished this book. I might stretch it out to about 35 - 40 chapters, how does that sound? I know exactly how it is gong to plan out, let's just say, you'll be surprised. I have loads more ideas for other stories so....yeah. Love all my followers! :)

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posted June 30, 2012 at 5:16pm UTC tagged with story

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