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Tales of Astor Street Chapter 2 You know those scenes in horror

Tales of Astor Street
Chapter 2

You know those scenes in horror movies; the ones directors seem to put in for the extra thrill of death and gore? Where the main character is trying to run away, but their feet won't move?

That was exactly how my body felt right now...except I wasn't running from something. I just couldn't move. At all. It felt like my limbs were pools of mush. I finally managed to force my eyelids open to see my surroundings.

The first thing I saw was a shock of bright red hair. Careful not to move my eyes too fast, I arranged my face into a blank stare and sent my gaze downward.

The hair belonged to a girl who looked about my age. She was staring off vacantly into space. Then, as though she sensed my tiny movement, she locked her gaze on mine...

...and let out a ear-piercing squeal.

"You're awake!" she cried, jumping up from the chair she was sitting on. I finally got a good look at her; she was thin and tall, with model-like legs. Her skin was a pale, creamy color that matched her fiery red hair perfectly. Dark brown eyes, the color of chocolate, were the only thing that puzzled me. With her skin color and hair, shouldn't her eyes be lighter?

"Where...where am I?" I croaked. My voice sounded like I'd just gargled a pack of nails. 

The pretty girl was about to answer when a door that I hadn't even known was there, burst open. I cringed at the sudden burst of light.

"Cathleen," a low voice barked, "I heard a disturbance. Is the girl causing trouble?" 

The red-headed girl, Cathleen, shook her head, "No! Not at all! I only screamed because I'm so excited that she's okay!" with that, she turned and hugged me.

My first instinct was to push her off, but that wouldn't be the most diplomatic approach. Besides, who knew what these people would do if I attacked one of them?

So I let her hug me. She smelled like apples, a scent I'd never really cared for. But it actually kind of soothed me, that I could smell something similiar in this strange...wherever I was.

"Get off of her, Cath." the voice, which I was beginning to dislike, snapped, "We don't have time for this." 

Okay, I thought, feeling irritated I need to get my answers. Now.

Cathleen let me go, and I was able to stand on my own. Behind her, the owner of the rude voice was staring at me. 

My breath caught in my throat. The owner was gorgeous. He had short blond hair that accentuated his angular face, and bright blue eyes. 

Snap out of it! 

"Who are you? And where am I?" 

"Like you don't know," the blond-haired, "Maybe you're not meant to be here after all." 

"I don't want to be here, wherever this is!" I yelled, feeling the anger of being kept out of a secret. I hated secrets.

Blondie stiffened, looking somewhat miffed at my confession, "You really don't...know where you are?" 


His haughty gaze returned, "Well, then," he was suddenly behind me, yanking me in front of him, "Cathleen, we'll just have to show her where exactly she is." 

He flung open the door, and I gasped. This was unreal.

Sorry for taking so long to update :( I'll be faster next time! And also, if you want a notification, comment on my profile. Witty is being rude and not letting me see all my comments. Thank you, and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!


"You belong here, whether you know it or not. Someone sent you here for a reason." 



[deleted] 1 decade ago
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SOO goood! :D
Reminder pleasee
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katie321 1 decade ago
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yay keep notifying me please!
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emy 1 decade ago
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magical and i would like a reminder please??
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CarrieDoll813 1 decade ago
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will you please remind me :)
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ChyGain17 1 decade ago
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please notify me again :)
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FallingTower 1 decade ago
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I like this story because most stories are abbot high school drama it's nice to find something unique
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redapplecandy 1 decade ago
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I never got my reminder !
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Smile_please 1 decade ago
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Reminder pleasee
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carebear123 1 decade ago
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soooo awesome<3
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HGlover12 1 decade ago
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That was amazing i wish I could write like that! Please let me know when the 3rd chapter comes out im really into it!!!!!!!!
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MusicFreak24 1 decade ago
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omg sooooo goood love it
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mangotangochick 1 decade ago
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Ahhh! <3 so good; better than the books I read at least ! x
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33 Wittians like this



posted October 14, 2012 at 3:19pm UTC tagged with story

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