Inspirational Quote #6878818
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Today's talk is about ...JEALOUSY and GOSSIP ... Is gossiping

Today's talk is about


Is gossiping necessary? The mouth can say so many beautiful things like when a child says "mama" for the first time or " will you be mine" "will you marry me" and "i love you"but this little thing could also say alot of mean things that could destroy someone like "your ugly", "no one like you", "go back to your country". People can't never feel happy for one another.
Like Jealously, some people dont like to admit that they are jealous because they arent satsified with themself. People tend to compare themselves to people they dont know or people they only see in  pictures on tumblr, facebook and instagram. What people automatically so is get jealous of that person's life, looks and just think they are perfect. What people keep doing is comparing their entire life to a small picture . Once people stop comparing themselves to other people, they will start to love themself and that jealousy could get smaller. 
Gossiping is another thing that alot of people do cause they are insecure about themself or is just bored. I admit i gossip alot and i am curently trying to reduce that amount. Saying someone is fat isnt going to make you skinner. Saying someone is Ugly isnt going to make you any prettier and saying someone is dumb isnt going to make you any smarter, so choose your words carefully and use yor mouth to say things that can help someone else.

So think about the things you say or do. Is jealously and gossiping getting you anywhere in life??



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:o OMG! Loving this ''Today's talk is about''
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posted September 6, 2013 at 9:26pm UTC tagged with inspirational, advice, quote, think, inspiration, happiness, heart, talk, dedication, jealous, gossip, gossiping, jealously

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