Status Quote #7072130
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+ I haven't spoken a word in that group chat in weeks. I

+ I haven't spoken a word in that group chat in weeks. I feel so utterly disconnected. And hurt. How could you cut me off like that? I pretended I was alright and super invested in my drama to feel left out, but I was. I was so left out. You all knew but you didn't care enough to stop what you were doing to check up on me. And that's what hurts. That friends I've made, who are on the other side of the planet would drop anything to console me. But the ones I've grown up with, and seen day in day out, don't care nearly enough. And maybe it is my fault I don't trust them enough to fully open up. Maybe I'm too immature. Maybe this isn't really such a big deal. But a week after, why am I still hurt? Why is it still playing on my mind? Why am I so sad? If I'm immature, fine. But maybe it's time I cut us off too.

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posted February 10, 2017 at 9:18am UTC tagged with status, friendship, quote

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