Best Appreciationpost Quotes Ever

Almost 4 years.
323 "comment points."

I got this page when I was a freshman in high school.
Now, I am going into my sophomore year in college.
From fifteen to twenty years old.
I want to thank my followers.
And everyone who has ever talked to me.
And to anyone who has noticed me.
I want to thank Steve, too.
I started out with only a few followers.
I don't remember when I gained so many.
But when Steve followed me, I felt accomplished.
And then when FramingMatthew followed me, I cried.
Because he took the time out of his only days left, and followed me.
And took the time to read my comment to him and tell me thank you.
This is just my thank you to everyone on here.
I've come a long way.
I've changed a lot in the last four and a half years.
It's cool to go back in my quotes and see my differences.
It's cool to see how many people appreciate me, too.

Thank you so much for the last four years.
5,000 quotes later and I'm okay.
I don't know if I'll ever hit 10,000, but if I do, it'll be cool.
It'll take longer than four years, but I feel like I want to do it.
Even if I will be forgotten and even if everyone from now leaves.
A lot of people left from when I first got on here.
It's just how life goes.
So I hope years from now, you come back here and see my quotes.
I hope that I'm still posting them.

Thank you, guys.
Until next time - you mean a lot to me.

297 Quotes.1,203 Favourites. Thankyou Witty. <3
You guys have done so much for me over the last couple years. All I ever wanted to do was write, and on here, that's what I do. It means the world to me that you guys take the time to read and give praise to what is only a small dream come true, and if this is all I'll ever have, I'm perfectly okay with that. You guys are the reason I'm okay with that, because you managed to make something small into something truly amazing, and you don't even know you're doing it. So please make sure, whether it be Today, next Tuesday, or in 3 years time, that you take a step back and realize how special each and every one of you are. Follower or non-follower, I love every single one of you amazing people who take their time to read my quotes. I will always try to read your work, and I will always try my very best to follow back, but there is nothing I could possibly do or say to show how grateful I am to you guys. Because not only do you read my writing, whether it be good or bad, but you're all so amazingly talented! I love reading everything you guys write and can always count on a good laugh or a quiet stream of tears just from scrolling down the page when it comes to you guys. I know a lot of you are gonna go extremely far with writing, and I can't wait to watch you do so.
To Witty,
To us,
To making every second count,

Kit x
p.s I will always be there for you guys, so please remember that my messageboard and chat is ALWAYS open to ANYONE who feels that they need someone to talk to. <3

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