Best Bruh Quotes Ever

the fear of tampons that exist in teenage boys is literally one of the funniest things i've ever seen
they act like its a nuclear missile like calm down bro its just a compressed cotton ball i swear to god if
u ever want a teenage boy to leave you alone just pull out a tampon and throw it in his direction
and he will run as far away as possible its hilarious



a dream,
That I was walking around in a shirt with stalks of corn all over it and somebody was like, "WTF are you wearing?" and I said, "It's a Crop Top."
(I laughed so hard that 
I woke up.)

me: *just finished getting ready*
person: I'm pretty tired..
me: hoe don't do it.
person: maybe we should just do this tomorrow..
me: oh my god.
Each dream we have is given a reality eventually.

so theres this girl,
I talk to her everyday
but she makes me so nervous.
she intrigues me
she has ambition
she knows good music
shes absolutely beautiful
and I think I like her
dear god she gives me butterflies

is a
Relative term.
To a Canary,
a Cat
is a Monster.
We're just
used to
being the

"Jurassic World"

That's for



"I'd live for you"
and that's hard to do
even harder to say
when you know
it's not true,
even harder to write
when you know that
tonight there were people
back home who tried
talking to
But you ignored them

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

Boy Q:Hey, you wanna date
Girl A:Absolutly.......NOT 
sorry but I am taken JK NOT just wanted to say no you Studid HOBO!!!!

                      PLz do not go and do this stuff or say this stuff 
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