Best Ego Quotes This Month

If you're secretly in love with me, you should tell me.
Not because those feelings might be reciprocated, but because it's really good for my ego.

I'm kinof bideal
on a fairly irrelevant

that falsely inflates my ego.


Apologizing does not always mean you're wrong.
It just means that you value your relationships
more than your ego.
you know who's beautiful?
don't read the first word and flatter yourself, because it's me.

Yeah, your ego may have
became bigger but her heart
only became more broken.

my ego is a balloon
it's super huge and inflated most of the time, but when a single insult flies my way, it pops. i obsess over the insult, think it's true, and have a panic attack. am i really mean? am i really ugly? i go and search for someone to blow my ego back up again, and reassure me that i'm not ugly, i'm not mean. but i fear that someday, everyone will grow tired of blowing my ego back up, and leave me. it's this fear that conquers over everything else.
Idk why justin biebers ego is so big like does he not realize that 99% of his fan base is 9-14 years old
I never reply to a guy whistling at me. Why? It's rude. They're also looking for a reaction. A response will be taken as an invitation for them. At least where I come from, this is the case. I don't think of it as an ego booster for me. I think of it as an ego booster for them if they get a response.
Today an attractive guy walked into my social studies class. I was staring at him, he looked at me and smiled. I threw-up in my mouth a little because I was nervous.

My ego is in seriously butt-hurt.

Apologising doesn't mean that you were
wrong and the other person was right.
It means that you value your relationship
                    more than your ego.

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