Best Gypsy Quotes Ever

I hope that people who have the word "gypsy" in any of their usernames and the people who promote something with the word "gypsy" know that the word gypsy is offensive and most commonly used as a derogatory term to the Romani people.
I don't wanna be alone forever
Maybe we could see the world together


are you coming with me?


and wear them if they fit me


This is not really a Quote, I have been writing a story lately Called I fell Inlove With Mickey Mouse(literally) and I will continue to write that. But, my brain gets very bored with focusing on one thing, and all the writers here on Witty have inspired me. My point is: I want to write another story along with the one I am already writing. So, if you guys would give me your opinion on that It would really be appreciated. Good or bad I don't really care as long as I get something :)
Here is a preview of the story I am considering writing. Again I despratley need an opinion and every opinon is like a bucket of hope for me so thanks :).

The Curse of a Gypsy

The girl without a last name met the woman with a broken heart.
It seems as it was fate from the very start.

"This, is where you live?" asked the disgusted

"With all do respect miss, I am not the one crying on a stranger's doorstep." Catalina defended. 

At that very moment the strange woman had a crazy idea.

"Do you have a family?" the woman asked.

" I only had my mother but she left me when I was thirteen." Catalina answered.

"Would you like a family?" the woman asked.

"That is like asking a thirsty man if he wants water." Catalina explained

"Then come with me and you can have a family." The woman said.

"I'm listening." Catalina said.

It was that moment that decided how the rest of her life would be spent.
She had to make a good choice because later she wouldn't have the chance to repent.
After a time of doubt and fret.
Catalina made the decision to replace the woman's daughter.

"Are you sure this will work?" Asked Catalina as they plane landed in the woman's home town.

"You look a lot like my daughter, plus she's left years ago so they won't even nottice she's not you." The woman assured. Catalina beileved her new mother's words and her heart was filled with hope.
So arriving at her new home town. Catalina went to the cafe to meet her new family.
As she stepped inside a knife flew past her throat and thrusted into the door behind her.
Frightened and out of breath Catalina turned around to see who tried to kill her. He was a cupid who happened to miss....or maybe not. 

"I am sorry for nearly killing you." He apologized

"I'm sorry your aim is horrible." Catalina said.

Excepting his apology she laughed. Feeling reileved the man laughed with her.

"I am not sure if you remember me, I am Armando a friend of your brother's." He said.

"And I am your friend's sister." Catalina joked.

He smiled at her and at this point Catalina was convinced that he had not missed.

I dont wanna be alone forever but i could be tonight
I dont wanna be alone forever but I love gypsy life
format-br0kenwings LEAVE THIS HERE PLEASE.

I have no fear...
...I have only love. ♥

© format coded by: br0kenwings
Please don't remove this, or make it invisible!
like Dorothy on a yellow brick
hope my ruby shoes get us there quick

She is dancing away from you now
She was just a wish
And her memory is all that is left for you now



So I’m back to the velvet underground
Back to the floor that I love
To a room with some lace and paper flowers
Back to the gypsy that I was

I have no fear... I have only love.
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