Best Oldfashioned Quotes This Month


Friend: So... is he your BOY~FRIEND?  *cue suggestive voice*
Me: Nope.  He's my gentleman caller who's currently in the process of wooing me because he knows I'm not ready for a boyfriend yet.

My dream in life:
To recieve a letter from a guy
Telling me how he feels about me

I think old fashioned is cute.
I think kisses on the cheek and forehead, actual dinner dates, and asking someone out in person is so precious.
 I don't think the guy should always make the first move, but I feel like it's cuter if the guy asks the girl out rather than the other way around, because it's been like that for so long.
I liked it when guys
 actually valued their girls.


f o r m a t   j i m m y 3 6 5 
credit to tumblr
Call me old fashioned
But I would love to get a letter from a guy
Or just go on a walk and hold his hand
And bring a blanket and lay down and look at the stars
Maybe point out if the stars look like objects
Play funny games with him
Talk to him
Listen to music with him
Go on a nature hike with him
Hug him and just be with him
No I don't have to be with him all the time
But I just want to know that I'm his favorite girl besides his mom of course
I just want a guy who will care
I don't care if he buys me jewelry or flowers
I just want his love
I guess you can just call me simply old fashioned

I'll be your uptown girl

if you'll be my downtown man.

I think old fashioned is cute. 
 I think kisses on the cheek & forehead, actual dinner dates and asking 
someone out in person is a lot more romantic. I don't think the guy
should always make the first move, but I feel as if it's cuter if the
guy asks out the girl rather than the other way round because it's
been like that for so long. I liked it when the guy actually valued
their girlfriend and called her 'sweetheart' instead of 'babe'.

I Know It Sounds Stupid but I kind of wish we could go back to phone calls and hand written letters  you didn't have toworry about whether someone misunderstood your text. You would just call them and talk for hours, laughing. You heard their voice. It meant something. You don't see that now, but I wish we  did.
in person? ya know like not ovethenternet.
Someone who actually wanted to have a
conversation with you in person and actually
take the time to getknow you.
and not by messaging you over the internet,
thats how I believe things are 

I think old fashioned is cute. 
 I think kisses on the cheek & forehead, actual dinner dates and asking 
someone out in person is a lot more romantic. I don't think the guy
always make the first move, but I feel as if it's cuter if the
guy asks out the girl rather than the other way round because it's
been like that for so long. I liked it when 
the guy actually valued
girlfriend and called her 'sweetheart' instead of 'babe'. 
Old couples are so adorable.
There's just some sort of subtle charm about them:
Their old-fashionedness and their steadfastness,
How they tease each other all the time and pretend to hate each other,
But really are in love.
And, of course, the fact that they're still together after so long,
That they're willing to spend that long knowing one person.
That just melts my heart.

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