Best Rosslynch Quotes This Week

If you don't like Dan Howell or Ross Lynch

I need to get this off my chest
so if you aren't in the mood for venting just skip it.

Every single day this is all I hear a random person say when I'm in a conversation:
"One Direction are f.ags" 
"Josh Hutcherson is ugly"
"Ew, you think Leonardo Di Caprio was attractive and don't think Channing Tatum is the sexiest man alive??? What is wrong with you?"
"Ha, you like Ross Lynch, what are you, 5?"
"You like Hunter Hayes, I bet you don't even listen to country"
"That song is so old, why do you even listen to it?"
"All of their songs sound the same.."
"They must be gay"

I am sick and tired of just hearing this ALL DAY. It's good that you have opinion and all, but you don't have to let me know EVERY SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE when I'm talking to someone about them. I REALLY DON'T CARE. I know a lot of people hate on them and all, but they act like it's some sort of crime to like One Direction and other celebs. They act like I am a completley different species of alien kind who has come to corrupt their minds. MAYBE just maybe I am inspired by them, and all of their songs or movies look completely different and special in my eyes. Maybe they make my life better, and help me through moments in life where I feel like I can't go on any longer. Maybe I look up them. I mean when you insult them I'm not just automatically go; 'Wow I was totally stupid for liking them
, thank you for your wise words of wisdom.' NO. NONE WILL EVER SAY THAT. Also, what else bothers me is when they say 'Oh their gay.' Wow. That's just sad. Do you really think that I would stop liking a celeb if they were gay? THEY ARE STILL THE SAME PERSON AND THAT ISN'T EVEN AN INSULT.  I hate how people label people, and if one person changes their views a bit they're a different person, or just weird. Do you think I only like them for their looks or if I have the chance to date them? No. I'm just inspired and have fallen in love with them and their movies, books or music. I hope that after you read this you think about what you have said to people today. Whether it be anything from an insulting the people they look up to just conversations. So next time you insult the people who I look up to, don't expect a reaction.

And feel free to comment hate cause I really don't give a f.uck

"Musiis poetry with personality."

-    R   o   s   s     L   y   n   c   h  
I think about you, every morning when I open my eyes. I think about you, every evening when I turn out the lights. I think about you every moment every day of my life. You're on my mind all the time, its true. I think about you.

Dear Everyone: I hate you.
except for you ross lynch ilyyy 

>>>>> the one you think's   so cliche, <<<<<
by the lake,  pouring rain. ♥

ain'nsuperman bucachange

your world.

format-br0kenwings LEAVE THIS HERE PLEASE.


i loved it 8.4 million people watched like if you were one of them
write your fav song and part  I loved all of them.

© format coded by: br0kenwings
Please don't remove this!

Format chickittylover

Shoutout tthkids who
~~~~~only watch Ausin & Ally to see Ross Lynch~~~~~

They Told Me That To Make Her Fall İn Love I Had To Make Her Laugh but Everytime she laughs I'm the one who falls in love


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