Best Sloth Quotes Today

Listening to Conversations
Friend1: Spell Me.
Friend2: M-E.
Friend1: You forgot the d.
Friend2: What? There is no d in me. 
Friend1: Not yet. 

LazY sHaDes oF


If you ever feel uncordinated 
just remember that sometimes
a sloth will mistake its own arm
for a tree branch, grab it, and

fall to their death.
format jimmy365
What if a sloth has been chasing you for the last 5 years and he just can't catch up to you
We were told to draw our souls in english yesterday to present to the class today...

So this girl drew a sloth on a stripper pole.
Her explanation: "So uhm...I drew a sloth on a stripper pole because I like sloths...and stripper poles"

The teacher wasn't even mad. No matter how innappropriate it couldn't help but to just laugh
One of the nicest things a guy has ever done for me is sent me a sloth meme over text when he was trying to convince me to hang out.  It was a sloth in front of a sunset, and it said "It's a love story, baby just say yes."  I'm not kidding you people.  True story.
Some girl: If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be?
Her friend: A sloth.

True story. 
on a completely random note i want a baby sloth
when ever you feel dumb, just think of sloths and how they sometimes mistake their arm for a branch then fall to the ground

Sloth Fact #1

The difference between skittles and sloths are 
if you eat a sloth, you will not taste the rainbow.
You will taste only sloth.

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