Staystrong Quotes

Crying doesn't mean you're losing..
When life gets you down, get back up, brush yourself off, and find a way to feel better again
Dear person having a bad day,
I know how you feel
I know you're probably tired of people saying that
But I know how you feel
I remember having the worse  days
When nothing went right
When everyone was too busy to talk to me
When I was in so much pain I was drowning
When I just wanted to give up
But I didn't
I just kept on going
There are going to be days that are just the worse
But there are also going to be days that are just so great and make you so happy
Those are the days you look forward to
I'm always here for anyone
I know how you feel
I want all of you to have more good days than bad days
I want you all to be happy
But through the pain and the hurt
I am here
Witty is here
We are all one big happy family
Always there for eachother through the bad and good
People fail,
People die,
People cry,
People yell,
You sometimes want to give up on life, but.....

You gotta keep ya head up,
and if ya let ya head down,
yea I know it's hard,
yea it's hard....

you have to keep faith.
Everybody has their own story to tell
But very few actually get to hear it
There's like a million different ways to say 

"i love you":

'put your seat belt on'

'watch your step'

'get some rest'

You've just got to listen


You were given THIS life


Strong Enough to Live It.

It has to get worse
Before it gets better
Sometimes finding the light means passing through the deepest darkness.
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