Timetobuypopcornhuh Quotes

The Witty, "Black Parade"
Do you guys even have any idea what started the whole thing?
It was a bug, for some weird reason the bug made it so you
couldn't see depression tagged quotes in the feed.... THAT'S IT.
but the Black Parade members thought that Steve had purposly
taken away that tag from the feed, so what did they do? they created
a petition, which Steve soon saw and replied something like:
"Oh sorry it was a bug, I took care of it." Then you know, everything
was okay and the bug was fixed.

Then, the peope who are against depression quotes being on Witty
decide to go and make quotes about how Steve should change it back,
or how the petition is stupid. Guys, Steve never even changed a thing.
Like I said it was a bug, an accident. And yeah maybe the petition
is stupid to some people but seriously?

I know this isn't a quote, I apologize, I just had to say this.
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