Best Weightloss Quotes Today

***Before anyone reads this I just want to 
   say that I don't think anyone that doesn't
   want to lose weight, should lose weight.
   All that matters is if you're happy with
   yourself, and if you're not and you want
   to change it and you're ready to, then 
   it's your choice- just do it healthy, 
   because if you treat your body like 
   s.hit, you'll regret it in the long run.***

Awhile back there was a quote

giving tips on weight-loss, and I
was overall shocked at how many
bad tips there were, and how many
people were interested in using them
to lose a few pounds. So, let me correct
a few errors:

First off, I just want to say only try to

lose weight if it's for you. Don't do it to
please someone else, it'll just make you
hate every second of it; which could back-fire. 
Also, it is hard work, you're not going to get
instant gratification, which will make you
hate it even more if it isn't for yourself.

Secondly, the quote suggested to only eat

a little over 1,000 calories a day to lose 4lbs
(in a week, I believe they said.) That is not 
only a bad idea, but also not true. Most
weightloss "coaches" will refuse to 
suggest a lower calorie in-take than 1,200,
and even then you'll approximately lose
2lbs every 2 weeks. However, that doesn't
mean you will lose anything. Having a dramatic
decrease in calories can make your body
go into starvation mode, which can result 
in gaining weight in the long run. So, if you
choose to stick with 1,200 calories (which
again is the MINIMUM typically suggested),
be sure to give yourself a cheat-day once a 
week or once every other week. If you do
give yourself a cheat-day, it is best to do it
at the beginning of the week, so you have
the rest of the week to to shrink back 
down before you weigh-in.

Third, they said you should not work-out

if you only eat -however many calories they
suggested.- That is wrong. You can work-out,
walk, play sports, whatever- as long as you
eat back the calories you burn, or most of them.
There's websites and apps that can give you
a rough estimation, or if you don't mind paying
the money and want a more accurate way to
tell, you can always get a heart rate monitor watch.
There's people who live pretty active lives and 
still want to lose some weight, and they shouldn't
be excpected to give that up.

Fourth, I'm not sure if this was on the quote or

not, but it's always (falsely) recommended that you
do not eat sweets, such as chocolate. This is also
wrong. If you want a candy bar, you better get your
sweet a candy bar because the more you put
off eating something you're craving, thinking "no,
I can't, I'm trying to lose weight", the more likely 
you'll end up binging on it later- resulting in more
weight gain that if you would have just gotten your
freak on with that snickers.

Fifth, again not on the quote I don't believe but

don't live your life by the ridiculous saying;
"a moment on the lips, forever on the hips."
You might not want to spend all your calories
everyday on nothing but chips or icecream,
but you're allowed to treat yourself. Either
save you some calories to be able to splurge
on something delicious, or save it for a cheat-day.
& ultimately, what can be put-on can be worked-off. 
If you eat all your calories, and you want a soda
or icecream, work for it (or just have it because
one day of going over will not f.uck you for the rest 
of the week.)

Okay, I'm realizing this is turning into my own

tips, which I didn't really want to do, so I'm 
going to stop. But I'm just going to add as a 
general rule, you should only weigh yourself
once a week (every sunday is good) or longer
(because everyday can be a very bad idea), 
and in the morning (after you go to the bathroom
but before you eat.) Also, it is best if you stop
eating at a certain time so when you wake up 
and weigh yourself, the food you last ate will be 
digested enough to not make you seem heavier
than you really are- I don't do this personally
because I'm really inconsistent with when I
sleep, but my sister stops eating at 7 (she also
followed/follows the tips above, and it took a while,
but she lost 90lbs.)


Why exercise?
because 30-60 minutes of
being  uncomfortable
is  b e t t e r  than being

uncomfortable your
entire life.


I've found a brilliant idea! I'm going to go on the water diet :) I can't wait yeeey :p x

So I want to lose some weight, actually a lot of weight but I want to start small with a goal of maybe 20 pounds,  I was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to go about doing this, other then the obvious, working out (I have a gym membership which I try and go to 4 times a week) and eating lots of fruits and veggies. I mostly want to work on my thighs and love handles, if you know any techniques for this alone that would be great!
Thanks! <3


hi witty!
with summer coming up, I've gotten really self-conscious about my body. i've started dieting and exercising more. I've lost eleven pounds :)
today I was looking in the mirror for my weekly examination, hahaha.
I expected to see the flab I always see.
but it wasn't there!
I weighed myself, to find out I'm only 3 pounds away from my goal!
I did it witty. I can finally love myself.
when a girl says she's fat

don't say 'no you're not! you're really beautiful'

you're just reinforcing the fact that society believes she has to be skinny to be beautiful.

instead say something like 'you may be, but it doesn't matter because you are still beautiful. ROCK THOSE ROLLS QUEEN GURL!!"

let's make fat an accepted thing instead.

and please just shut up about curves.

150 pounds
scares the héll out of me.

Me: I'm going to lose weight!
Food: Oh no you won't!

Stay Motivated ! ❤
Did you know, that smelling Bananas or Apples can actually help you lose weight?

Weird right?
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