
Joined: July 23, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: July 28
user id: 319816
Gender: F

GiraffesDontMeow's Favorite Quotes

Dumbledore: I'm sorry about your parents, but no spell can reawaken the dead. I trust you know that.
Dumbledore: Except for the time turner. We'll use that to save Buckbeak.

Two people texting

Person 1: Hey, watchya doing?
Person 2:
Just having a smoke.
Person 1: A cigar?
Person2: Nah, a cigarette.
Person1: Cigarette (noun) - a small cylindrical object with smoke at one end and a fool at the other.
Person 2: ...
This quote does not exist.

I want to cry so badly,

but I think I'm out of tears.

So, I Got A Facebook
WTF  do I do now......


Am I the only one
who wondered how Miley got away with being Hannah Montana around her friends?
Like if I wore a blonde wig and my friends saw me, they'd probably tell me to take it off and stop being an a//hole.


format by neversaynever16
*Me at starbucks sitting alone.*
Hot Guy: Hi there.
Me: Hi
Hot Guy: Is this seat taken?
Me: No...
Hot Guy: Good cause I need a chair.



Here's to the kids who
didn't know Adele was 7 months pregnant until just now O.o

So it turns out snooki's due date is December 21, 2012.

Well played, Mayans.

Well played.


I know many of you wont care. but this is something that kills me.

I'm putting my cat down because I'm almost 1000% sure she has cancer. She can't walk, or meow. it sucks to look at her and know that she is suffering. To look at my cat and think I can't go on without her. She's mine. She has always been. Knowing that she is gone will eat me alive. I just want to know my witty family is there for me. I need you all to be there for me.

this quote was just a vent... also to see if anyone really cared... <3