
Joined: October 24, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 130133

My name is Alexis. <3
I am 14 years old.
And I am here to give you advice. ♥
Comment me if there's something weighing on your mind, and you just want to let out.
Or if there's something you need help with.
I'm always here. :)
If you don't want to comment, simply ask me on my formspring:


Giving_You_Advicex3's Favorite Quotes

Well i was gonna favorite it.....
until you said


This quote does not exist.
Girl; Age 6: Mommy, you look pretty today!!
Mom: Thankyou!
Same Girl; Age 16: Mommy, you look pretty today!
Mom: What do you want?


when i was younger;

[my mom told me i could be anything i wanted when i grew up]
well  guess  what?      she lied.
                                                   [ i  can't  be  his ]


please read this.
this morning, a boy from my school died from a seizure.
everyone from my school is making their status about it,
whether they were
close friends, or they barely knew him.
there's always someone that cares, if you know it or not.
i've never talked to him, but i dedicated my status to him.
and i know of many others that have done the same.
i almost cried when i heard he died.. many people did.
all i ask?
just think about life... and how amazing it is.
there's no proof that you'll get another chance.
who knows what happens when you die..
don't kill yourself. don't let anyone kill themselves.
don't give anyone a reason to do it.
and just.. be careful with yourself.
it will effect so many people, like you have no idea.
please, don't take life for granted.
you don't know which day.. will end up being your last.
if you died right now.. who would care?
plenty of people.
people you don't even know.

major vent^
i'm all emotional. .__.


am i the only one who,
gets a 
littlexcited when..
someone favorites their quote? 

welcome to a world where everyone
talks about each other. everyone lies.
everyone tries to be something 
not. nobody can keep a secret for their 
life, & friendships that have lasted 
are broken. believe it or not, this world
actually exists. it goes by the name of
