Joined: December 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 252174


Hey guys im 13 years old. I go to Heights Middle School. I blow out the candles in september 21.â�º I’m not like most people i’m funny, sensitive, weird, some say random but yea.. â�� My dad left me, my mom, and brother when I was 8 and I was diagnosed with depression.â�¹ umm I don’t know what to say PURPLE lol oh ya Jan. 30 2012 my boyfriend moved witch was really sad�¹ And i'm single :) I’m always looking forward to meeting new people. Thanks for be my friend those of you that are following me. Also if you want you can call me Myaâ�¦. 



�Thats me, nothing more nothing less. �