
Joined: August 20, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 121659
I am always a mess, i can never keep my own secrets. I laugh to hard at stupid things. I always wait for 11:11 My favorite songs sometimes make me cry. I live in the «« past, in the memories with the people i loved, i hate thinking about reality. AND MY PICTURE IS WAY TO BIG! LOLâ�¡

JaymieXo725's Favorite Quotes

Hi I'm school.
I make you work 6 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Don't get to excited about the weekend,
cause I might just throw in some homework while I'm at it.
I take up most of your childhood and sometimes I'll give you pointless lessons to learn about things you'll never need in your life.
Also I'm going to give you crappy teachers who hate you,
cause I'm to school for cool :)
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I'm tired of crying
sick of trying to please e v e r y o n e but myself. I'm done 
waiting for people to see that I have feelings, too.
[x] [x] [x]


Secret number something


I secretly love Justin Bieber but tell everyone I don't. I just wish I could tell everyone without them getting mad.

You said you'd always be my friend.

Now you never talk to me.
Never answer my texts.
Never text me first.
Don't make an effort to have a conversation.
You broke my heart.
You've changed.
I miss the old you.

So much for always, right?


And I just have one simple question;
How can you forget me, when I once
meant so much to you?


Who Else's Favorite Part Of The Justin Bieber Movie
was when they did his hair flip in fuggin slow mo !!
That Was Soo Fuggin' SEXY !!

---------------------------------------- notmyformatt

I just wanted to say,
I love how everyone on witty
is so nice and supportive
to complete strangers!
It GivesMeHope.

Thank you(:

Why am i so invisible in this world?

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