
Joined: July 29, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 201050
I've made mistakes in my life. I've let people take advantage of me, and I accepted way less than i deserve. But, I've learned a lot from my choices and even though there are some things I can never get back, I know next time I won't settle for less, I don't find myself pretty...nor will I ever. I have flaws...Yes I try & hide them like ever other girl. Once I have my mind set to something I stick with it, or I either forget it because i'm too lazy. I do believe in second chances for people, but I usually never tend to get them...If I like a guy I ask/talk about them a lot. Sorry. I over-use a lot of little phrases & words, get used to it cause you'll hear it a lot. Every morning I go straight to my computer to check my Facebook. Little things can bug the crap out of me. I suggest you don't do them unless you want me to go crazy. A LOT of girls hate me at my school, do I know why? No. & I hate it. Jealousy is the worst trait...Please don't ever get it. I'm an awkward person & I love it. I love laughing at myself when I do something wrong or if I mess up. Life is about taking chances; nobody gets out alive. When it comes down to it all I will either love your or hate you...You make that desicion. Oh yeah & fools, Maddy is my bestest friend♥ She;s my entire world...I can literally tell you anything & she gives the greatest advice<3 Don't piss me off...It won't end well. Oh...& ask for my name & age if your little heart desires, I may or may not give it to you, it depends.

LaDiDa31911's Favorite Quotes

credit: confessions_of_a_cutter
 If I died today,
 Don't tell anyone.
I'd like to see who would notice.


"Are you single?"

"No im plural."


was supposed to show change, right? I think my boobs
started to grow, but then got tired and stopped. For years.


A jealous girl
 will do better research
t h a n   t h e


Today, at around 11:30 am, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Nope, not asking for attention. I'm asking that nobody give me sympathy, because

I know I am going to be a survivor.

So favorite this quote for all the survivors; for me.


When i was little, i would

wonder what I would look

 like at this age...

I am so not impressed.




A Teenage Bucket List, Part Two.

Meet Steve, and thank him for Witty. Be someones' Christmas present. Ride the Polar Express. Travel the  
world. Spend the whole day playing video games  
him. Buy a beach house. Fall asleep on the beach.
Have my 11:11 wish come true. Ride a motercycle.
Pet a lion. Walk in a fashion show. Design my own
outfit. Go to Paris. Ride a dolphin. Tip a cow. Learn sign
language. Have a 1,000 followers on Witty. Sing with
my favorite band. Go on a road trip. Be a Hollister model
for a day. Steal a school bus for a day. Party in Las Vegas.
Build a giant sand castle. Have abs.
Smile non-stop for one whole year, and be grateful for life.


jayciecutie01's format.
inspired by many people and websites.

don't  r u i n  an
a p o l o g y
with an
e  x  c  u  s  e .

That awkward moment when
you're in an elevator with a hot guy...alone.

Format by Sandrasaurus

To do list : a parrat.
2.teach the parrot to say, "Help i turned into a parrot!"
3.leave it in a public area.