
Joined: February 22, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 154506


yoo.. im salmaa(: jus your average 12year old girl tryna finda place in this big world.. im mature for my age? so ive been told &+ im 5ft6, love, lovee, loveeee bein tall! :D i have the most awesomest thing for mixed race boys & hazel eyes.. i belive everyone' beautiful in their own way.. im originall a paki (yes i was racist to myself? idgaf) but live in englaaand. i hate racists & bullies. so yeah? btw, my swaggaa so sickk it might insult youu! imaa bit of a gangstaa, and dont really make quotes? jus enoy spending hours going through the pages of quotes. i love music, its my life literally, its ther for me when thers nuthin else to hold on to.. and ikno im jus draggin' on but ;) oh my picture im the one on the right unfortuanely, the other beautiful one is m sister whos been there for me all the way! please dont ever say im pretty coz im really like nawt. :L but yeaah, HMU!(; & ohh, oh, OHH! iloveeyouu! :D <3 nuff saiiiiiiid, holla at me broo :P

ProudPakiPride's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.

I'm just a girl
I love being called pretty, but I'll never believe it.
I'm not always right, but hate admitting I'm wrong.
I'm almost always smiling, but it's not always real.
I can be read like an open book, but hide so much.
I work hard at things, but don't always get what I deserve.

I'm just a gir
I'm hard to describe.

Favourite this
And i'll follow you, favourite one of your quotes, and write something true about you on your profile
If you comment, i'll make you laugh

Hi, I'm your new substitute teacher.

I'm Jack Black, let's start a band.

Favorite this, and I'll tell you the first
amazing quality I notice about you.
I promise. =]


Y  o  u     a  n  d     I    g  o    t  o  g  e  t  h  e  r    l  i  k  e 
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Macaroni & Cheese
Cookies & Milk
n & Bows
Bees & Honey
Stars & Stripes
(Care to add to the list? Leave a comment and fave♥)

every night
y o u    c r y    y o u r s e l f    t o    s l e e p ,
thinking   why   does   this   happen   to   me,
why does every moment have to be so hard?

[ ] [ ] [ ♥


Fave this quote 

And i'll follow you. 

i mean it you.




Weird family photo:
I'm blowing out some candles (It was my 6th Birthday Party) and my father is stood behind me holding a hammer.