
Status: hiya im meaghan its been a while anywhose comment fav do your thang
Joined: March 14, 2012
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 283779
Gender: F
 welcome!!!oh hey didnt see ya there :D
hi, im meaghan and i dont think i have eatin a fish.. ever... ha ha
i know what your probably saying WELL GOOD ON YA MATE..
orr maybe not xP
but any whoo im meaghan
im a cheer leader and soccer player.
i know i know i know what your saying eww a cheer leader shes stuck up
she parties every week end
she must be drop dead georgious
she must have the perfect boy friend
perfect family
perfect life
HA! nooo
wrongo im no any of those things and neither is my family.
if you dont know me you might think im stuck up but you gotta gimme a chance
im silly goofy and quite the entertainer :D
i have the best friends they're there threw every thing all of my blonde moments all of my emotional moments
every thing
ok focus so thank you so much for reading this long about me section even tho it probably made no sense but thank you
any way i apreciate your suport
suport of what might you ask?
i have not the slightest clue :DD
okie ttfn (ta ta for now)
P.S, your beautiful
P.P.S. what does "P,S," stand for?

maemay11's Favorite Quotes

that text;
don't lie, i know you've gotten it.
the message that broke your heart?
ever received a text from someone,
doesn't matter if you woke up to it,
maybe you got it during the day,
or right before you went to bed.
you just picked up your phone
and saw this super long message.
filled with words that hurt you.
that completely changed your mood.
that stopped you from breathing
and just put you in total disbelief.
that everything you guys went through,
ended right there by that text message.

Dear kid bullying the openly gay guy in class,
I dare you to lay a finger on him
Sincerely,the linebacker with two amazing dads

Perfect girls are found at

every corner of the earth.
Unfortunately the earth is  



Before you start reading, I just want to warn you, it is a lot of words. But I would appreciate it if you heard my thoughts on this and if you feel the way I do about the One Direction quotes. I just tried to include every agrument I could:

I know I'm not exactly "witty famous," I don't care if not too many people read this or not, I just need to vent. I love Witty Profiles. I'm not going to deny it, but all these One Direction quotes are getting old. I read so many quotes a day about them and it's annoying. All  "directioners" just say back to me "if you don't like it just keep scrolling." So you know what? I did that. I did it, until I realized I was at the bottom of the page, and the bottom of the page again and again (a little exaggeration, but most quotes on Top are 1D). There is too many One Direction quotes. I actually wouldn't even call them quotes.

All directioners do it talk about CARROTS and how 1D is GAY WITH EACH OTHER, BUT CLAIM TO LIKE GIRLS. I don't research One Direction, but honestly that doesn't make any sense. I know the boys are a group, but saying that they are gay with each other or want to get married, but they still like girls literally makes no sense. So if someone would explain that to me, that would be great.

People are constantly asking for there to be a category for the quotes and for a One Direction day and this is and that. Honestly, they're lucky they have made it this far. I DO NOT HATE ONE DIRECTION, I ACTUALLY LIKE SOME OF THEIR SONGS, but when I read comments on One Direction quotes, I see people actually commenting and saying, "I love One Direction, but this is getting old." I go to people's pages and they're background is of One Direction. Now I'm not going to say anything bad on that because a background is a background that can express how you feel about something. 

These quotes don't have any orginality either. They are facts about 1D or Liam and Niall's conversation of the day. No offense, but I don't think that many people care about their conversation. If people are familiar with the band, they've probably already read it on Twitter or something and if you don't have any interest in the band, you probably don't care about it.

&& What I hate the most is when people say "Only One Direction fans understand this quote" at the bottom of their quote about carrots are something. Like umm... okay. So you're going to post a quote that only half the site is going to understand and the way that is put is just rude. But that's what I personally think.

If all you want to read One Direction quotes and share your love... Please, use this site, make a website, customize it and tell everyone on Witty who likes One Direction to go to it and then you can all put quotes there and share your love because honestly Witty Profiles isn't the place for it.

I know that making this quote probably isn't going to help stop One Direction quotes, but I just want to get the word out. I want people to read this and see how many agree and disagree with me so I can actually see the amount of people who enjoy reading One Direction "quotes" on Top and who hate it as much as me. I'm not going to ask for faves though because that's my pet peeve. I will just hope people read this.

If you read this you are welcomed to comment. Hate on me or don't. I don't care,  I won't delete any comments. I just want to see how people actually feel about all these 1D "quotes."

me: *texting*
friend: hello
me: *texting*
friend: HELLO
me: *texting*
friend: *puts hand infront of phone*
me: *slaps friends hand*
friend: chicken,
me; *looks up* WHERE?!

H O N E S T L Y,
What is so great about One Direction??


Spongebob: hey patrick, are you mad too?
Patrick: yeah!
Spongebob: why are you mad?
Patrick: i can't see my forehead!



.......*downloading fail*

Go ahead boy;
 you deserve to smile.
&I know i'm not your everything,
 but I was for a while.
I see the way she makes you feel,
&I just hopyou dont get hurt.
because not a day passes by,
 where I don't wish I was her.
 I go through all our messages,
 &the pictures on the floor.
 but they only keep reminding me,
that you don't need manymore.
 I'll always be the stupid girl,
 &you'll never know how much you meant to me. 
&you'll always be that amazing boy,
whis and was, my everything.

NotMyFormat/MY QUOTE.

I miss us talking.
Not those short 5 minute conversations but the ones that use to last from 11 pm to 3 am. Yeah I miss "us"

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